Episode 8 - "New Home"

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"Okay, everyone. Okay. So, I have an announcement to make.. That's why I called you all here. Minnie will be staying here at Texas Two with us. However, she will need to abide by some special rules. Some of which being, she will have to be watched 24/7, especially around Tenn. She is not allowed to be around AJ. People will take shifts at night to watch her. If I'm not here, and things get bad, then shoot her. Only if it's absolutely necessary, AJ." Clem said, pacing around, focusing her attention on AJ as she mentioned his name.

"So what, you gonna watch me like a hawk?" Minnie asked with disgust in her voice.

"I can go days without sleep, don't test me." Clem told Minnie.

"Go ahead, Clem. Tell them why." Violet said, pushing Clem to tell them. Clem sighed.

"Reasoning to this is because of the injuries caused. As you all know, the gash on my stomach, and the head injury." Clem mumbled, but loud enough to be heard.

"That was caused by her?!" Omid asked in a shout. Clem nodded. Omid glared at Minnie.

"You are not to hurt her unless she comes at you first." Clem said, noticing Omid's glare.

"Kinda funny you say that considering you shot Arvo and he did nothing but sit there." Louis said in a yawn. Clem shook her head.

"He deserved it. Shot me in the same fucking shoulder when I was eleven." Clem told Louis.

"Your parents would be disappointed." Louis said, unamused. Clem was taken aback by this.

"LOUIS!" Ruby yelled.

"Take. That. Back." Clem drug out her sentence. Louis shook his head.

"Nope. Sorry." Louis said, resting his head in his hand and rolling his eyes.

"I'm done." Clem mumbled before walking off. She didn't listen to anyone. She just speed walked away. Once at the gates, Clem pushed open the gate and left. Violet tried to follow, but Clem didn't listen. Finally, Clem sat down and cried.

"I'm so sorry mom and dad." Clem whispered through tears.

"I'll try to be better. I promise." Clem whispered again.


"Why would you fucking say that?!" Violet asked Louis. He only shrugged.

"She had it coming." Louis told them.

"What's your fucking problem, dude?" Aasim asked.

"My problem is her! Clementine is my problem! She's an annoying crybaby. She has no reason to be upset. She has everyone she cares about here." Louis said.

"Except her parents! That's why you brought them up, wasn't it?! You knew she was sensitive when it came to them, and yet you still had to bring them up! Fuck, you!" Violet yelled.

"That's kinda messed up man." Omar said.

"Shame on you." Ruby said while shaking her head.

"Guys.. I just.. Uh listen. It's been a rough day, and Clem? She.. She hasn't made it any easier." Louis said, trying to explain his actions.

"Clem has barely even talked to you." Violet said angrily.

"Oh, you're just mad that Clem likes me more." Louis told Violet after the others left from anger.

"What the fuck, where did that come into play at?" Violet asked. "And no, she doesn't! She fucking loves me. Not you. Me." Violet said, pointing to herself. Louis shook his head.

"I thought you loved Minnie? Huh? You two used to be a thing, remember? You would do anything for her or Sophie." Louis said, guilt tripping Violet.

"Those days are gone, now. I have a new focus, and that's Clementine. So, Fuck. You." Violet said as she showed Louis her middle finger. Louis spit in Violet's direction as Violet walked away.


"Babe. You're back." Violet said as Clem walked into Violet's room. Clem just didn't look... Alive anymore. Her eyes were dark and a smile wasn't spread across her lips anymore.

"Yeah." Clem mumbled.

Without another word, Clem got into bed and laid down. This time, though, she left the pillow on the ground, A gun on the night stand, and she laid at the edge of the bed. Violet put her arms around Clem and kissed her neck, but Clem didn't seem happy any more. She was like a walker - she didn't seem to feel anything.

"I love you." Violet whispered from behind. Violet could tell Clem was crying. The way her back moved as she breathed was a dead give-a-way.

"Do you want to talk about earlier?" Violet asked quietly. Clem shook her head slowly.

"I love you, too. So much. I love you so, so much. I hope you know that." Clem whispered back.


Violet awoke to the sound of a bedroom door opening. She looked next to her and noticed Clem, the pillow and gun was gone. She hurried out to find Clem, and she noticed Clem going outside. Violet ran downstairs and outside. She could see Clem sitting next to the graves. Clem put the pillow on her face, and the gun to the pillow.

"Clementine!" Violet yelled. Clem jumped and dropped the gun.

"Violet?" Clem asked with a tear stained face.

"No, no, no. Clem, god damn it, what are you doing?" Violet asked, kneeling down to Clem, tears running down her face as well.

"I can't.. What Louis said earlier... Do you... Do you think my parents are disappointed in me?" Clem asked Violet. Violet shook her head.

"They'd be so proud of you. So, so, proud." Violet said, forcing a smile.

"I'm sorry, Vi. Promise you'll take care of AJ for me?" Clem whispered. Violet shook her head.

"No. Clem. You are going to live. You're so much stronger than this. You went through so much worse. I mean, hell, you saw your parents as walkers." Violet said. Clem shook her head.

"Got any wine?" Clem asked quietly. Violet hugged her and cried.

"I love you. I love you so god damn much. I.. Love you." Violet said, still hugging Clementine. Soon after, they went back inside, and Violet kept a close eye on Clem the whole night.


"I don't understand why you fucking told her that, Louis." Violet yelled to Louis.

"I didn't think it'd go that far! Damn!" Louis yelled in anger.

"I can't believe she actually tried to." Aasim added.

"She would have if I hadn't yelled for her." Violet mumbled, obviously holding back tears.

"I'm so sorry, Vi. Must be hard." Ruby admitted.

"If I can keep her safe, then I'm okay with that." Violet said, closing her eyes.

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