part 1

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Nagisa walked into the classroom hoping to not disturb anyone, It was before school started and there were barley any students. He walked to the back and sat by the window, he didn't wanna disturb anyone not really conversate.

All the students looked at nagisa as he looked out the window. Nagisa looked over and started noticing people staring at him and turned back to the window, Suddenly people started whispering and nagisa knew it was about him.

He looked to the door to see a red headed tall boy walking through the door. Nagisa looked back at the window only to be tapped on the shoulder a few seconds later. He looked up to see the red headed boy. "Sorry to interrupt you but that's my seat." Nagisa looked up to him holding the same expression grabbing his stuff. "Sorry I didn't mean to sit in someone's seat." Before karma could say anything nagisa moved to the opposite side of the room.

Karma sat down still watching nagisa. 'i hope he didn't take me as the rude type' karma thought, his thoughts being interrupted by koro-Sensei's voice. "Goooodmorning students is everyone ready to take the first shot of the day." Suddenly there were anti bibis all over the room. Suddenly they all stopped and koro-sensei had a bag of the guns in a bag.

"Ok nice try students but that's all we don't want anyone getting hurt." As everyone sat down karma looked over to nagisa to see his head on the table. 'I'll try talking to him- wait her? Oh god I never got their name. Nevermind I'll talk to them during lunch.' karma layed his head on his desk and fell asleep.

Koro-sensei looked at nagisa "oh right! Class today we have a new student. Would you like to introduce yourself.?" Everyone turned their attention to nagisa as he stood up. He quickly put on a happy expression. "Hi everyone! I'm nagisa shiota and I hope you'll except me as a fellow classmate" he said as he bowed and sat back down putting his regular expression back on once everyone turned their attention back to koro-sensei.

~~~~~~~~~time skip to lunch~~~~~~~~

Nagisa was sitting near the field eating his lunch, once in a while a kid would come over and ask what his name was. After they'd ask what was his gender. This went on for all of lunch finally. Karma turned the corner to see nagisa sitting as he walked over to him. Karma stood there and finally said "hi I'm karma nice to meet u."

Karma put his hand out but nagisa just looked at him than back. Karma took his hand back a little embarrassed. "So um what's your name?" Nagisa looked up sighed and put on a fake smile "hi! I'm nagisa nice to meet u!" Nagisa looked like one of the happiest kids on Earth. Karma jerked by the sudden change in his voice.

'didnt this guy just look like he hated me?' was all karma could think nagisa noticed this. "You ok?" He asked looking up at him. Karma finally snapped back into reality "huh?- oh ya! I'm fine don't worry." Karma looked at nagisa as he gave him a soft smile.

Karma finally snapped back into reality again. "Hey maybe we can hang out after school" nagisa's expression suddenly changed expressions to a bit sad "u-um I can't..." Karma looked a bit shocked "oh are u ok-" he was interrupted by the school bell "I have to go" nagisa said as he rushed to class holding back tears. 'what did I say to hurt him...?"

~~~~~~~~time skip to class~~~~~~~~~~

Everyone was in class and koro-sensei finally started talking "ok class today we'll be doing a project you and your partner will be doing your project on Wich knife defence would be most affective against me" nagisa stopped paying attention as koro-Sensei continued talking "ok the partners I have assigned will be called out" nagisa started paying attention when he heard his name suddenly called.

"Nagisa shiota and karma akabane" karma looked over at nagisa instantly as did nagisa as well. 'partners?' nagisa thought. Finally koro-sensei finished and told everyone to discuss it with their partner. Nagisa walked over and sat at the desk next to karma

.Finally karma spoke. "Should we do it at your house?" Nagisa quickly became a bit shocked "um we cant- my uh living room is being re modeled so there will be to many people there." Karma looked at him confused "ok how about my house" nagisa looked at him again "ya sure"

762 words

Ok soo this is my first book idk if it's good or not but I hope you like it

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