part 16

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Karma's pov

I woke up to a small light shining in my eyes, I looked around an noticed it was morning I felt a small weight on me and noticed it was nagisa.

I smiled at how peaceful he looked and looked around. Everyone was still asleep, including koro-sensei?

I slid nagisa off me softly and got out to the sleeping bag. I walked out of the classroom and looked around.

Something felt.... Off..

I walked down the hall and went into the restroom. I looked around and noticed a small detail of glass on the floor from the mirror...

I walked out and heard a small noise and quickly walked towards it. It was In a supply closet?

I slowly opened the door to have my mouth quickly covered with a strange cloth.

"Mhpphmmp!!!" I could feel myself getting dizzy and quickly elbowed the person in the stomach and quickly turned around.

"God. Damnit kid!!" He held his stomach and finally saw some features it was a man with dark black hair a scarred eye and a dark brown eye.

He quickly ran out and ran out of the building "HEY WAIT!!" I tried to run after him but the chemicals from the cloth made me stop.

I saw him drop a sheet of paper and picked it up...

Instantly my heart dropped, it was a picture of nagisa with his name on it.

I quickly ran to the classroom and slammed the door open wakening mostly everyone "KORO-SENSEI"

he quickly woke up looking around in a panic "w-w-what!!!" He noticed it was me and sighed.

"We have a problem" I lifted up the paper and quickly came and got it and just like me he was a bit shocked.

"Oh dear..." Nagisa finally completely woke up and walked over. He looked at what koro-sensei was looking at and his eyes widened.

"Why am I on the paper?!"

Koro-sensei sighed and shook his head "I'm not sure nagisa but I intend to find out, no one messed with my students."

I could feel myself stumble slightly and nagisa quickly caught on "what happened!"

"Oh you know just got suffocated by some chemical" I wasn't worried but nagisa was.

"You should probably sit down.." I only chuckled and did as he said. Once all of the class woke up koro-sensei discussed what was happening.

"Well as we found out from karma, nagisa is being targeted... We don't know by who or why.."

I chuckled slightly and most people looked at me "why are you laughing karma?!"

"Well it's just funny because if their targeting nagisa than one nagisa will probably best true shit out of him and also if their targeting him.... Than that means they gotta deal with me to..!"

Everyone practically stared in shock and fear.

"Dude your creepy"

"Thank you"

Nagisa started laughing a bit and it only mad me smile, there's no way I'm letting someone take him.

"I'll stay with nagisa every second if I have to" I smiled and looked over to nagisa to see a slight brush of pink.


Koro-sensei only grinned wider "remember your training if you find them... Kill them..."

The day continued of training school and all our regular activities.everyone was just a bit more in edge.

Koro-sensei let us go home for today because of the event. Me and nagisa were walking over to my house but quickly stopped for food.

We arrived at my house and put all our stuff away. I walked upstairs to quickly change and came back down to nagisa making something sma.

I walked over to him and hugged him from behind.

"I might burn the food-"

"Shhh I'm tired"

I rested my head into his neck and hugged him tighter. "Are you scared that their gonna take me..."

I went silent.. "of course I am we don't know their intentions..."

He turned and kissed me and I quickly kissed back. "Ok that's guilt tripping-" I said narrowing my eyes

He only giggled and hugged me "il be fine ok?" I sighed and nodded and kissed his forehead. "I'm gonna go change ok?"

I turned to him quickly "do you want me to come?"

"Nah I'm fine"

I nodded and turned back around to check the small portion of food.

I wish I went with him....

I wish I didnt turn my back...

It had been around 5 minutes and I walked up to check on him...

He was gone...

There were a few splats of blood....

Nagisas hair ties on the floor....

And a knife....

Gnfbgdbfjgj I'm sorry I took a small break to write some more on my other book-

~•·(karmagisa)·•~fake smileWhere stories live. Discover now