chapter 10 Manali

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All the way to Manali the only images that came in my mind was of priya. Priya with a husband two cute little munchkins of her and all of that sort.

I punched my head thrice or even more just not to think any of that crap again.
I realized that I have loved her immensely. And all I wanted was her at that moment.

I know love is all about trust,respect and values and maybe I lost all of them in front of her. But trust me situation can make you do anything literally anything.


I woke up suddenly because of a sudden jerk and high pitched sound.
The bus stopped. It was 5:30 in the evening. I didnt realize I was long asleep.

The journey from dehradun to Manali took exactly 9 hours 39 minutes.

I got of the bus and was about to stretch my arms in pandiculation, but the extreme cool breeze resisted me to do so. It was freezing cold in Manali not that dehradun was any less colder. But Manali felt more cold to me anyhow.
And I realized I did not keep any woolens!! I suck man!!!

My phone vibrated.

"Hello" I received, it was Arjun

" reached?"

"Yes just now"

"Get set and go for the mission"

"Man! I haven't got any woolens and it is freezing cold out here"

" how can you forget that"

" why didn't you remind me"?

" are you crazy?"

"I think I will freeze right here"

"Listen get yourself some warmer from any street market. it will do for now..I dont think you have kept enough cash to shop luxury...rather send me your account number and buy yourself something warm please?"

" I'll buy it here from the stalls"



" call me if you need anything"

I hung up

The place was really German to me or French whichever is more hard...maybe Chinese.. actually MANDARIN Chinese isn't actually a language.

Hopefully their were lots of shop that I could find near the bus stand.

The stalls were adjacent to each other. With many woolens and clothes hanging around.

"Bhaiya, show me a sweater please" I said

"Yes sir" he took out few of them and they literally looked like my grandfather's generation.

"Something like sweatshirt?" I asked

" just a second sir" he started searching for it actually searching would be an overstatement for such a small stall. He actually just took the dozen of clothes littered on his right and put it on the left.

" sorry sir I dont have it"

I moved to another stall. It was bigger compared to the last one.

Asked for some warms and thankfully he had them. Infact he had a lot to choose from. I chose dark brown one over every color.

" how much?"

"550 only sir"

"550 only? there any silver zari done on it?"

" sir give 500"

THE SWEATSHIRT wasn't worth 500 bucks ofcourse. That too I took it from a stall.

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