Suddenly Ablaze (TodoDeku) Part 1

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Todoroki POV

This week was just another week I spent playing catch up. I feel miles behind the others. If only I hadn't failed the provisional license exam. The only place I feel adequate is in my academics, but sometimes training makes me feel better. The only person I might normally talk to isn't even here. He is out working at his internship with Sir Nighteye. The day he found out he was going to go work for him he had one of his Midoriya muttering moments filled with fanboy knowledge and praise. Typical Midoriya. 

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard Aizawa sensei calling my name. "Todoroki, if you are not going to listen then I am not going to waste my breath. It's irrational." 

"Apologies Aizawa Sensei, I was lost in a long thought. It won't happen again." I felt a tingling sensation and heat. Not only on my left but across my face. I looked down and pretended to scribble notes on my page to ignore it. Suddenly, my left hand sparked a small flame. I quickly put it out and pretended nothing was happening. 

Later, it was time for lunch. I grabbed my cold soba and looked around the room. My options felt more and more limited each day. I could sit with Yao-Momo and Jiro, but they seem to already be in a conversation. Maybe I could sit with Iida, I looked around for him only to realize he wasn't here. He must be studying. I had been standing by myself when I noticed Bakugou sitting alone. Kirishima was also on patrol today. Kaminari, Ashido, and Sero were seated with Jiro and Yao-Momo. 

I took a breath and sat across from Bakugou. 

"What the hell do you want Icyhot?" He said in his usual aggression. 

"Do you ever feel behind? In the remedial course?" I ask him plainly. 

"OF COURSE NOT! I'M ONLY THE DAMN CLASS BECAUSE OF THOSE STUPID FAKE VICTIMS! I'M THE FUCKING PROTAGONIST! I'M AMAZING YOU ALL ARE DAMN EXTRAS. EVEN YOU ICY HOT!" He barked with his eyes burning in fury. He stopped suddenly and took a slurp of his spicy food. 

"Tch. Of course, we are behind. Even Deku is out there getting experience." I felt my face burn a tad on my cheeks. But before I could know what was going on my left hand had sparked a flame. I quickly put it out but not before Bakugou could furrow his brow at me. 

"Either you didn't have as much control of your power as you thought or you're hiding something. " He said with a low growl. 

The bell rang, I took a final bite of my soba and hustled back to class. Before I could realize it I was already walking into the room. I walk with my head down to my desk. Something here is not right. I look up waiting for class to begin it is then I am met with pools of emerald looking directly at me. I suddenly feel heat rise from arm again. I stifle the feeling as best as I can. 

"Midoriya, back so soon? I was certain you would still be at your internship." 

He closed his eyes and smiled, "We only had a meeting this morning. I was wondering if you would want to meet up and go over class notes or train. I need to work on my defense against element-based quirks. I can't always kick my way out of the fire" He ended with a laugh. 

"Of course Midoryia. I'll accept." I said quickly. 

"Great! I'll see you after classes today." As Midoriya spoke Present Mic came into the room ready to discuss language arts. But all I could focus on was training later today. 

Later that afternoon, it was finally time for training. I was more excited about this practice than I had been in a long time. I briskly walked to the locker rooms to suit up. Halfway there, I was approached by Midoryia. "You ready to train? I've been needing a let loose training." 

"Yes, I agree. Training sounds nice. After we can go over the class notes?" 

"Sounds like a plan to me" 

We approached the locker rooms and began to change. Our lockers were across from each other. We changed in silence though I finished first and turned around to find Midoriya still changing. He had his costume up to his waist. I could see all the scars on his arm. Along with a few on his back. Must have been from his final exam. As I was lost in looking at him I felt my quirk activate, I stifled it and bolted to the gym. I heard Midoriya shout that he would be along in a minute. 

What is going on with me today? Well, recently actually.  As I made it to the gym I began stretching when Midoriya came running in. 

We sat on the floor together and stretched. He began to tell me all about Sir and Mirio. He could talk for years if you let him. That's what I appreciate about him. I wasn't the talkative type. It helped the silence along.  

"This internship is great but it's weird not having people I care about around. I wish you were apart of it. Though I'm not sure if everyone would keep their arms." He joked. I laughed back and felt warm. Suddenly my are was slightly ablaze. "So I guess we're starting now," he said as stood in his stance. The air around him began to rise and he leaped for me. Only, I didn't mean to start with flames. It just happened. I felt the pink on my cheeks and ran for distance. 

It was time to fight. I threw up a wall of ice for coverage. and sprinted for more distance. He kicked through my wall easy and jumped towards me. He turned his body mid-air and as he was about to make contact I threw up more ice. This time I made it crossed twice over to give it a more sound structure. We began a game of cat and mouse as we came close to blows but evaded. I went in for a strike with a long piece of ice in my hand but he deflected barely my ice cut open his costume slightly revealing part of his chest and abdomen and countered quick. I couldn't tell if I was off my game or just truly behind. He kicked at me and swatted his leg with more hard ice. I went to grab his ankle and flip but he countered me with a punch. The air rushed out of me harshly. He came at me again but this time I dodged and slammed my elbow into his back where his scar was. He yelped in pain as we continued to spar.  A few more blows to each other later and I found myself pinned beneath him. Both of us out of breath, inches away from one another. I felt my face blush, I couldn't help it. Suddenly without control, My left side burst into flames. I almost burned Midoriya as jumped away from me. The flames burned harsher as I felt something stir within me. 

Midoriya looked at me with confusion. "Todoroki are you alright?" He shouted over the rippling of flames. 

"I cannot control this I don't know what is wrong. I am trying to cool down." I yelled back but the blushing on my cheeks intensified. It was then looking around trying to calm down I saw Bakugou standing in the watch bay alone. 

"STOP LOOKING AT DEKU YOU HALF AND HALF BASTARD" he yelled across the gym. When I focused my attention on him my flames began to disperse. Bakugou blasted himself down to where I was. "Deku take a fucking hike for a minute" he commanded. "I need a second with Icy Hot here" 

Deku mumbled and ran out looking down at his torn costume. "O-Okay Kacchan, I'm going to see Mei about sewing up my suit. I have patrol in the morning. See you later Shoto thanks for training with me." He called back as he ran out. 


Suddenly my hand was ablaze again. I cooled off and looked at Bakugou. "Tch. Half and Half idiot. I should have known. You fucking like Deku don't you? That's why your quirk has been on the fritz" 

"No, I uhh I don't think I do," I responded slowly. 

"You set fire every time he comes near you. He called you by your name and you lit up like a campfire. You couldn't even fight the fucking weakling without losing. You like him." He growled. 

"I am unsure of how to handle these feelings. I don't even know if Midoriya likes men" I stated. 

"Trust me, He does," Bakugou answered quickly with a smirk on his face. "Just tell him how you feel, the worst-case scenario is that he tells you no and you ask him not to tell anyone." 

"Thank you, you're not as bad as everyone thinks when you calm down," 

"MIND YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS ICYHOT. TELL ANYONE ABOUT THIS AND YOU DIE." He suddenly was screaming with red on his cheeks. 

With that, I headed to the dorms looking for Midoriya. 

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