Suddenly Ablaze (TodoDeku) Part 2

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Todoroki POV

Should I really follow the advice of Bakugou? I thought as I walked back to the dorms. I do like the way he understands me without judging me. Plus my heart flutters when I see him smile. His bright green eyes are so easy to look at. Sometimes I wonder what running my hands through his fluffy hair would be like. The hardest part to swallow was how much I just wanted to be around him. Hear him ramble about quirks and encourage others. I just wanted to be near him. I felt a surge of heat tingle my skin but I was so enveloped in my thoughts I almost didn't notice. 

I was lost in thought when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to meet his soft emerald eyes and I instantly went up in flames. "Woah, Todoroki!" I could see the panic in his face as he dodged my flames. I quickly put them out and blushed of embarrassment.

"Yes, I apologize, I was in deep thought and you startled me. Apologies, should we go over the notes?" I asked him hoping for a yes. 

"Sorry for startling you-- Sure. We can grab food and then we can go to study in my room?" I nodded back at him to confirm as we walked back towards the dorms. 

When we got to the dorms we grabbed dinner from the kitchen and headed to his room. I was worried if I told him I would lose him as a friend. No, he isn't like that. Midoriya is not the type to turn his back on someone. He is so graceful. 

In silence, we reached his room. He swung open the door and I was bombarded with yellow red and blue, I had forgotten how overwhelming his room was. I sat down on an All Might rug in the center of the room. I spread the notes out in front of me and got comfortable when Midoriya sat close next to me. I blushed and took a deep breath attempting to anticipate my quirk reflex. "So where do you want to start?" he asked.

We began to go over the notes for a while when I had finally decided to tell him how I felt. But first I was going to feel around for his reaction. 

"Midoriya, can I ask you a question?" I spoke up. 

"Sure Todoroki," he said taking a bite of his Katsudon. 

"Did you ever have a crush on Bakugo? I just always seem to notice you watching him, and you always continue to deal with him and consider his feelings no matter how mean he is to you. It's pretty irrational which makes me think you did or do like him." 

"Gaaah I--" He said waving his hands around as red as an apple. He then took a deep breath. "I guess I should own up to it, I use to like Kacchan. I had intense feelings for him growing up though, I didn't really understand it until later. It wasn't until I began to have feelings for someone else that I understood. So yes. Although, I never thought someone like you would notice where I kept my attention." He said with his hand on the back of his neck. His hair flopped around as he shuffled and smiled. 

"Yes well, I guess that I have been watching. I seem to have those intense feelings for you. However, I was certain you had feelings for Bakugo." I said swiftly. 

"Gaah" He said in response waving his hands around his face attempting to block the redness on his cheeks. 

"I'm sorry, I should have kept that to my---" 

My words were cut short by Midoryia pressing his lips to mine. He had a hand on my cheek and his thumb traced the outline of my scar. So this was bliss. I let myself think. Suddenly the anxiety about if my flames would erupt again melted away with him I felt level. 

I kissed him back and pulled him closer to me. He pulled his face away and placed his head on my forehead. "I.. I like you Shoto. That's why I stopped looking at Kacchan when I got to know you after the sports festival I lost all interest in him. All I could think about was you." My face was intensely hot as I heard him say my name aloud. All I wanted or craved was him. 

"Izuku," I said softly. He looked at me and I went back in for another kiss. I didn't air at that moment. I just needed him. Now I had him. 

Who knew Bakugo was actually helpful. 



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