A Dreamy Nightmare

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This is the first chapter to a new book I want to start. I also posted this as a fic thread on twitter so if you prefer that or want to follow me, that is where Ill post updates to this particular story first 

@MHA_Blackhole on twitter and MHA Amino. 

_______________________Now the story_________________

Shoto Todoroki woke up and laid in bed only briefly looking up at the ceiling once before closing his eyes again. Last night had been terribly exhausting between his chaotic interaction with a few villains on patrol for his work-study, to how his group of friends wouldn't let him skip movie night. He decided he deserved a slow start today so he allowed himself to lay there and exist with his eyes closed until my alarm went off as his mind wandered through old memories and feelings. First, to what today would bring him, he'd go to class like normal with his friends. Followed by them all going to lunch together as a group, which now included Shinso. Those thoughts made him smile, he enjoyed seeing his friends more than he showed off, that just wasn't his personality. Shoto was never good at being overly exaggerated or boisterous, he often settled on what he knew and was comfortable with, indifference. 

Then his mind drifted again, suddenly remembering today was Thursday. To Shoto, Thursday meant going to see his mother, who was still in the hospital, slowly trying to recover from all that had happened. Suddenly all of the rage he had for his father bubbled in his chest and throat, threatening to take over the progress he had made. Those feelings washed back over him anew. Every day was like this, where he would wake up and exist to then somehow be reminded of his father's past transgressions. This was always followed however with a massive wave of contradicting feelings about his father trying to make amends. Then he would ruin his morning mood with those feelings and thoughts until he reached class. 

Screw it, its time to get up. He thought to himself. As he swung his eyes open and rose from his bed he looked around to find everything wrong. Shoto wasn't exactly the most observant but this was definitely not his room. But then again he got a strange feeling that it most certainly was. He looked around and saw a normal-looking bedroom setup. The walls were a shade of cyan blue, there was a dresser next to the closet that had two figures on top. One of All Might, and one of Endeavor. The wooden floor had a white rug that encompassed the main area of the room. On the walls, there were some paintings and a poster of Endeavor. Where the hell am I?  Why am I not at the dorms? Why is my bastard of a father everywhere? Is this Hell?

Shoto's anxiety spiked. The area of bed he was sitting on slowly began to frost as his mind splintered into multiple spirals of thought. His spiral was cut short by the smell of food sneaking its way into his nostrils from outside the door. His stomach grumbled and yearned for what was overwhelming his senses.  But he still didn't know what was going on or where he was. He tried hard to figure out and access the situation. He looked around the room pulling open the closet to find a few UA uniforms. He pulled it on ready for his day like normal. Play along and find out more. He decided to stretch and prepare himself to be ready to fight if need be. 

He briskly walked over and swung the door open. He walked down a fairly long hallway of a flat. The walls were a soft shade of green and on the walls hung photos in frames. This was definitely a dorm apartment, but why wasn't he in the normal dorms with his friends? This had to be a faculty apartment. Shoto could see the corner of the kitchen at the end of the hallway. Did I pass put or something and crashed in All Might's spare room? Those could totally have been Izuku's things, he's almost my size now. 

He stopped to find a collection of pictures on the wall hoping to figure out where he was. What he found froze him in his tracks. It was a large framed photo of his family, together, smiling. Something was terribly wrong, there was no way that this was his family. His mother looked, happy to be held by his father. His eyes only held compassion and love. That wasn't his father, it couldn't be. Was this some kind of sick joke? He inspected the photo closer to find his siblings in order of birth, they sat neatly and happily. He almost couldn't recognize his brothers. Touya's hair was frost white like his mothers, but he had eyes like his father. There were no scars covering his face. Only the tips of his fingers had a small tint of burn from long ago. Touya sat legs crossed chest puffed arm on the back of the couch on his left leading to the others. Natsuo, who was comfortably on the sofa in front of Touya's arm had a wide grin across his face letting his eyes close slightly. Fuyumi looked as she always did, with a tense and happy smile bound full of energy. Glad some things are consistent he thought to himself. That finally lead his eyes over his own face. He gasped at what he saw, he felt his feet threaten to freeze in place. He was smiling, his hair was still red and white split except his hair was in a harder part between the colors. The long hair in front was pushed back on each side revealing his full-face shape and eyes. Is that even actually me? It was then he saw it, or really the lack of it. His face was not only smiling and free from his hair, but it was scarless. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2020 ⏰

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