Hetalia Rant

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Okay. I'm gonna rant about somethings I HATE in Hetalia. If you agree, great. If not, MY OPINIONS ARE MY OWN *hysterical yelling* DEAL WITH IT!!

First. HetaOni. Why the FRUCK did someone make this?! And then you don't finish it?! What. The. Actual. Hell. Just man up and finish the frucking thing, so we can move on with our lives!! The hatred I feel towards you is overwhelming, creator-san. I don't hate people. BUT THERE'S ALWAYS A FIRST, NOW ISN'T THERE? I just want to forget about it, but guess what? I can't. BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE CLOSURE.

Second. People who don't ship GerIta. Usually, I don't care about who you ship, but COME ON. It is the only cannon ship on this show! And yes, it is cannon. GERMANY PROPOSED TO ITALY. So, I think it's legit. And those of you who don't ship it, are into crack pairs usually. I hate, hate, HATE crack pairs. If it doesn't have any reason, then why ship it?!

FrUk. I don't hate it. I just REALLY dislike it, now. It has lost it's meaning. America has a crush on Iggy. It's official. No more reason to ship FrUk. And, like I said. I hate crack pairs.

I hate it when people call England, Britain. I don't know why, but I hate it. That's why I haven't finished it in dubbed. I just. Can't

People insulting Hetalia. I don't hate on your fandoms, so you had better damn well leave mine alone. I am SICK OF IT!! Leave my Goddamn fandom alone! I love it, and so do countless others! SO GET YOUR HATE OUTTA MY FACE BEFORE I BREAK YOUR'S.

Incest ships. No. Just, NO. I think it is unacceptable. The only excuse for this is the twin from OHSHC. They actually give you reason to ship it. Now, I bet a few of you are thinking 'What about UsUk, you idiot. They're related.' NEWS FLASH. They are NOT related. England heard about America living on his own, and took him in. Never heard of him before that. Know why? CAUSE THEY AREN'T RELATED!!

People making dead Prussia jokes. NEIN. This is unacceptable. Absolutely UNACCEPTABLE. Do you know how horrible that makes you?

People hating on the Germany is HRE theory. There is so much information supporting this theory. Both historically, and through the show. If you don't believe it, it's fine. Just don't hate. But why wouldn't you want Holy Rome to be alive. As Germany. No conflicting ships.

People killing off characters in fanfics. Why do you do this?! You are killing me people! And for some reason, it's always Italy or America or Prussia. Y'all need to STOP.

Sorry for the rant. I am just...DONE.

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