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Guys. GUYS. Hetalia season 6 is coming out in February. THE MONTH OF MY BIRTHDAY. Like, I can't even. That's so beautiful. It's like a birthday present. Best. Fucking. Gift. EVER.

But, then. Now that I've said something it probably won't. ;~;


They may even release the twenty minute Nyotalia episode. Fem!Prussia. I feel like my life will be complete soon.

THEN THE LAST BLOODLINES NOVEL WILL BE OUT IN FEBRUARY. That may not mean anything to you, but OMF, I love that series. I'm sad it's about to end though. Because I don't think there'll be another spinoff. But I KNOW she will find the perfect way to end it.

I'm gonna find a way to read the Hetalia manga. Cause apparently it's great, by what I've seen.

I have a new ship. AmeriPan. It...makes sense. I still ship UsUk, but I also strongly ship this now. Oh well. Hetalia's a fandom where any ship is tolerated. Barely.

Anyone wanna help me into the Homestuck fandom? Because I don't know what it is. No one's explaining. And apparently the Hetalia fandom and the Homestuck fandom are really close.

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