Ship Rants

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Ships are getting SO OUT OF HAND! It's getting ridiculous! And it's not just Hetalia...
First. If I see ONE MORE PruIta ship, I will scream. THERE IS NO LOGIC IN THIS SHIP.
Franada. AAARRRG. They aren't compatible! Unlike some people, I think about the couples I ship. I think about if they're compatible, if they have ANY interaction with each other, and if they don't just hate each others guts!
Itacest and Germacest. HELL NO. The only way I will REMOTELY ship incest is if there is REASON. And the only time there is reason to ship incest is the twins from OHSHC! Otherwise it is a no-no.

The following aren't related to Hetalia, but whatever.

People who ship me and Mossy_Dirt, and people who ship me and Mads. Let me explain.

First off, me and Mossy_Dirt. Yes, we are friends. Yes, he is a he. Yes I am a she (typical shippers. Eww. They only ship straight ships) HOWEVER. What the actual Hell is wrong with having male friends?! It doesn't mean I have a thing for him! He is getting over fawning over some girl for a year! Cause she was a bitch who strung him along, keeping him in between friendzone and datingzone! Sure I like him. In a FRIENDLY WAY.
Apparently everyone is shipping this. Even teachers! And apparently we're a big discussion on Snapchat. Quick rant about that.
I fucking HATE Snapchat. Cause I hate pictures of myself. But apparently some wise asses posted pictures of me (without my permission) all over it. WHO GIVE'S YOU THE RIGHT?! My feelings are never taken into consideration! Just like this morning! I was near having a mental breakdown, a guy who I barely talk to noticed and told my so-called "friend" she decided she was my friend. She looks at me and says, "she's fine."
Of course, I laughed bitterly.
Her reply? "See? She's even laughing."
This upset me just a tad. Anywho...
Back to ships.
Me and Mads. EWWW. I don't say that because she's a girl. I don't care about that, I like boys and girls. My problem is, she's like my sister! I've known her for around seven? Years. In that time, she's been like my sister. Nothing else.

Couple quick notes, now that that's over.
December 15 is World Otaku Day. If you didn't know. So, to show otaku pride you're supposed to draw ^w^ on your wrist.
CHAPTER 90 guys! You have nine chapters until the 100th chapter special requests are over. Hurry! If you want me to do something, that is...
Prucan fanfic. I've been thinking about deleting it (temporarily) so I could get my thoughts together and start over. If I do this, I plan on posting it by Christmas if possible. My iPad hates me, and I can't always be on it. So...that's it.

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