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I woke up early, way before anyone else would be up.

I sneaked my way throughout the door and made my way out the ranch and began my walk to the city.

       Sometimes I hitched to the city and most of the time it was pervy dudes.

         I headed out early, so I could get to auditions before more people arrive and that I wouldn't have to explain to them where I was going.

I've been out all day looking for auditions and I went to a few.

They told me I was good and that they'd give me a call.

I was about to head toward the ranch till I heard screaming coming from around the corner.

  I followed the screams to around the corner.

    There was a girl, a pretty and familiar one and two dudes trying to basically rob her.

"Leave her the fuck alone." I said coming up to them.

"Get her, and I'll get this one." I heard one of them say.

One of them came up to me and pushed me to the ground.

He was about to get on top of me till I kicked him and knocked him out.

I got up and hit the dude in the head with a glass bottle that was on the ground.

It knocked him down.

"Thanks so much." She said.

"Us girls got to look out for each other." I said.

"Your right about that." She said as I helped her stand up.

"Hey, your Sharon Tate right?" I asked.

   "Yeah, what's your name?" She asked.

"I'm Tracy." I said.

"Well thank you Tracy for saving my life." She said.

"Anytime." I said.

"Is there anything I could do for you for saving me, like I could give you money or something. She said.

"No I don't want your money, but there is one thing you could do for me." I said.

"What's that?" She asked.

"So I've been auditioning all morning to be a stuntwomen, is there anyway you could help me with that?" I asked.

"No one has hired you yet?" She asked.

"Nope." I said.

"Come with me and I'll for sure get you hired today." She said.

I followed her down to the studio where I was just at.

"Wait here and I'll be right back." She said.

I waited while I saw her go over to someone.

She started talking, she pointed to me a couple times.

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