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"You have a husband? Since when?" I asked.

"Since January of last year." She said.

"I've heard a lot about you Tracy." He said as he made his way over to us.

"Sorry I haven't heard about you, but it's nice to meet you." I said as I held out my hand.

As he reached us, he took my hand and shook it.

"You must be Cliff, Rick Daltons stunt double." He said to Cliff holding out his hand.

"Sure am." Cliff said as he shook Romans hand.

"Would you like to stay and have a drink?" Roman asked Cliff.

"Thanks for the offer, but today's been a long day. Any other time is great." Cliff said.

"I understand, next time it is." He said.

"I'll walk you out." I said to Cliff.

I followed him over to the door then out of it onto the porch.

"I'll see you tomorrow babe." He said as he lifted my chin and kissed my lips.

"See ya." I said.

"Goodnight and sweet dreams." He said smiling.

"Sweet dreams." I said.

I watched as he walked down the driveway, down to the gate, and to his car.

I could see him get into it, and turn it on. He gave me a wave and I waved back.

I watched as he drove off then I went back into the house.

"Tell me everything." Sharon said giggly.

"When were you going to mention you were married?" I asked.

"It never crossed my mind and I'm sorry." She said.

"You're fine." I said.

"So tell me everything." She said.

"I woke up and basically he told me that we were going somewhere. So I got ready and then we were on our way. I noticed the Santa Monica sign and about it then he admitted it. He took me to this one part of the beach it was like private." I said.

      "What'd you guys do?" She asked.

"Well we went thru a drive thru to get food then went to the beach and technically had a picnic. Now thinking about it, it sounds so romantic. We went into the water, took a walk, then watched the sunset together." I said.

"That does sound romantic." She gasped.

"It was, but guess what else happened." I said.

"Tell me." She said.

"Cliff asked me to be his girl." I said.

     "No way. I told you." She said as she hugged me.

"I can't believe it." I said.

    The next morning, Cliff and Rick had picked me up like usual.

          As we walked down the driveway and past the gate to the car we were hand in hand.

   I walked over to the driver side and got into the back seats.

          "Is there something you two aren't telling me?" Rick asked as he looked at Cliff then me.

    "We're together." Cliff said.

"Since when?" He asked.

    "Since yesterday." Cliff said.

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