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      I've been practicing my stunts with Cliff for the past three hours, and I was already exhausted.

"Come on one more hour and it's lunch time." He said.

"Why don't you practice your stunts?" I asked.

"I already know my stunts." He said.

"Lucky you." I said.

"Keep practicing and you'll get it." He said.

We took a quick water break then went back to practicing the stunts.

When it was time for our lunch break, I made my way to the front of the studio to meet up with Sharon.

"Hey, how was it?" She asked as we hugged.

"I'm exhausted already." I said.

"Let's get you something to eat, maybe it'll help." She said.

We walked down the street to some cafe and had lunch there.

"Do I need to pick you up tonight or is Cliff going to take you home?" She asked.

"Cliff is taking me home." I said.

"Ouu." She teased.

I rolled my eyes. "I doubt I'm even his type." I said.

        "You want me to find out?" She asked.

"How?" I asked.

    "I could ask Rick." She said.

"No it's fine, just don't worry about it." I said.

     "Okay." She said.

We ate our lunch, then she walked me back to the studio.

    "I'll see you tonight." She said hugging me.

"See ya." I said then making my way back into the studio.

I found Cliff and we went back to do what we were doing for the rest of the night.

When it was time to go home, I waited with Cliff by his car for Rick.

         Soon enough Rick made his way over to us.

"Hey Tracy, how was your day?" He asked.

     "Tiring, you?" I asked.

"Same." He said.

     We all then got into the car, me getting into the back. We made our way to Rick and I's neighborhood, pulling into Ricks driveway.

           Instead of driving me over to Sharon's, he insisted he walked me.

    "Have a goodnight Tracy." Rick said.

"You two Rick, see ya tomorrow." I said waving to him.

     Cliff and I then walked a couple feet and were soon in front of the gate.

I put in the code that Sharon had gave me and the gate soon opened.

"Thanks for walking me home." I said.

"It's the least I could do." He chuckled.

"Well I'll see you in the morning, goodnight Cliff." I said.

"Goodnight babe." He said.

I walked through the gate, before it closed on me. I turned and gave him a wave, then made my way into the house.

Once I made my way into the house, I locked the door behind me and went straight to the kitchen to find something to eat.

After I ate, I stopped by Sharon room to let her know I was home then went into my room.

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