royal duties and a another close murder (chapter 2)

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A few hours later

Cinder was doing her royal duties as ganondorf was dealing with the gerudo that was found dead as cinder was doing her royal duties a hyrilan that was cleaning the floor as the Dark spirit saw it and took over cinder again as the Dark spirit makes her grabs the hyrilan covering his mouth so he can't scream and takes him down the corridor while no one is looking she throws him out a closed window behind the castle as the Dark spirit makes her smirk a bit into a gerudo behind her saw what happened as she gasps while the dark spirit makes cinder grabs the gerudo as she was a traitor as well as cinder tapes the gerudo mouth and puts her in a soundproof room locking it into the dark spirit knew what to do with the gerudo who is a traitor to the spirit as the Dark spirit takes cinder back to the throne room were she was doing her royal duties as the Dark spirit lets cinder back in control of her body

Ganondorf pov

I was out in the courtyard investigating a gerudo found dead as I looks up at the window that seems she was thrown out of that was broke but most of the gerudos were telling me that she fell from the window but I didn't believe them as I remember someone who loved throwing pepole out of windows she was a gerudo and a murder called luna after when Me and my mother killed her from her killing my father and almost all of the gerudos and hyrilas she was insane and she was put in a insane asylum after almost killing all gerudos and hyrilas that the gerudos secretly had but she escaped after a month been in there and killed my father and almost my mother into I and her killed Luna I was starting to feel like she was back and in spirit form and in a human body as I looks at the dead gerudo I then remembered that she was ghirahim therapist as I was worried about how he will take it after when he finds out as the gerudo therapist was also luna therapist as well then heard another window breaking so I go and investigate it going behind the castle were I see a hyrilan on the ground with glass through him and bearly alive as I growls a bit as I had a feeling it was the same person who killed the gerudo therapist called Dora as I was still a feeling it might of been luna still trying to get revange so I picks up the hyrilan and takes him back into the castle to the infirmary as the nurses treat him as I left the infirmary while I saw cinder still doing her royal duties so I go to investigate the broken windows and saw with the first window that Dora was forcefully thrown through the window and then I went to see the other window and saw the same thing forcefully thrown out the window as well so I starts walking the corridors to think of how luna return and who's body she is in as I had a feeling who ever body she is in and when she is removed will make her host go insane as I hope she isn't in cinder body or ghirahim body or in anyone body

Luna spirit in cinder body pov

While in cinder the wolf gerudo body that is in the throne room doing her royal duties her Triforce of power secretly starts glowing red from my power combining with its power as I wonder if that hyrila is dead yet while I wonder if ganondorf knows I'm back yet but in his wife's body and I also wonder if that he knows if I'm removed from her body it will send her mind insane like how I've been told in my human life that I am a murder and insane which I do expect but I didn't care into he and his whore of a mother crossed me with other gerudos and hyrilas that got me killed now it's time for revange by the time I am done with them they will either be begging for forgiveness or death once ganondorf or ghirahim realise that I'm in cinder body

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