luna kidnapping and murder (chapter 6)

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(this will mostly be luna pov and I don't have anything against same sex relationships)

Luna pov

While been in cinder body I was wondering what to do into I heard ganondorf distress call for the other royals to attend as I knew he is going to tell everyone about my return as I secretly listen in while been in the darkness as I see the darknut queen as I remember she help in my death as I growls lightly into I heard ganondorf talking about my life story as I growls still as when he finished telling my story I appears Infront of the darknut queen smirking as I make cinder rip out the darknut queen heart crushing it as then I appears behind the dragon knight queen and takes her has hostage as I says through cinder mouth seen how shock ganondorf is if any of you follow me she will be ended maybe the same why the darknut queen was ended I smirks dissapearing with the dragon knight queen to the abandoned gerudo castle while I drags her to a special cell that's the master chamber I shove her in and closed the door with me on the inside for a moment as I says through cinder mouth since you are my favourite I have other plans for you Queenie you should remember us been friends into you left me to be with a boy I Then make cinder smack her as the dragon knight queen says yes I do but you were getting clingy and obsessed with me and started been sexual around me you know same sex relationship are forbidden I makes cinder smack her again and left the room locking the door with the dragon knight queen in there as I walks around the castle wondering when ganondorf will find me as I turns the gerudo castle into a black crystal Empire as crystals burst out sides of the castle even though I know that there is no one near this castle anymore it would make a great spot to be hidden for a while as I then return to my prisoner appearing in her room as I saw she is resting for a moment as I secretly kisses her lips while she is sleeping as I dissapears out of the room to the new crystal throne room as I sits on the crystal throne smirking a bit as I waits thinking of who else to kidnap as I thinks either between Phoenix or ghirahim

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