Ganondorf when your evil (luna kidnapped ganondorf) (chapter 10)

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A few days later

Luna pov

I was looking for ganondorf still in cinder body into I found him asleep in a cave as I Teleports him to the cell in the the gerudo Crystal castle with Phoenix and ghirahim and the dragon knight queen as I Teleports back to the crystal castle as I grins a bit finally having ganondorf as I laughs a bit to myself a bit crazily

Ganondorf pov

I wakes up feeling I've gone into a wall as I looks around realising I'm in a cell that was the master chamber in the gerudo castle as I growls as ghirahim stands next to me and helps me up as I stand as he says there no way out unless you know how to break down a magic door I thinks and sigh and says I know a spell but it includes ganon coming out and in midshift he needs to rip the door of but there a 50% chance that I might lose continues ghirahim nodes and says don't worry I can help you control him I nodes into the door opens as luna walks in and slaps me in cinder body

Luna pov

I decided to take the dragon knight queen out so I disable the spell for the moment to the door as it opens as I walks in seen ganondorf away as I makes cinder smack him across the face and then I make her drag the dragon knight queen out by the arm as she growls while I left the room with the dragon knight queen the spell comes back on and shuts and locks the door as I drags the dragon knight queen to a special cell just for her which is in the throne room as I throws her in and locks the cell putting the same spell in the door that is on the door of the master chamber spell

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