ganondorf vs luna (chapter 12)

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(i though the Twilight Princess ganondorf theme worked for this)

Luna pov

I gose in the corridor seen no one as I sniffs around smelling no one as I growls looking around As I makes my way to the throne room cell and saw the throne room cell door ripped off like the master chamber cell is as my eyes widened knowing it's ganon and ganondorf as I growls lightly see the dragon knight queen gone

Ganondorf pov

While I was invisible with ghirahim and phoenix I saw luna coming as I sneaks off to the throne room cell as I use ganon hands again and rips the cell door off as I let ghirahim grab the dragon knight queen as I could tell that luna has had her way with the dragon knight queen into I then see luna coming down the corridor as I saw her look in the room and growl as she is still in cinder body as I appears behind her keeping ghirahim and the dragon knight queen hidden in my invisible spell as I draws my sage sword that I kept from the Twilight realm as she turns around and growls still as I growls back

No one pov

Ganondorf and luna circle each other into ganondorf lunged at luna and fights her as she draws out a crystal sword and starts fighting back as they sword fight each other as ganondorf stabs her in the shoulder pinning her to the wall as luna hissed and stabs ganondorf in the stomach but luckily he missed and snatches the sword from her as he shattered it while then he uses a ball of magic to rid of luna spirit from cinder body which did work as then the crystal in the gerudo castle dissapears and all of the cells do as well while cinder stares at ganondorf blankly as ganondorf puts his hand on her face caressing it hopping she isn't insane and crazy from luna as cinder puts her hand on his hand gentry into her mind switched to crazy as she grips his hand tightly as he groans a bit in pain as he saw luna did it to her as he snaps his fingers quickly making cinder dissapears to a insane asylum in Hyrule behind Hyrule castle

Ganondorf pov

As I make cinder dissapears to the insane asylum behind hyrule I holds my hand as my heart ached from seen luna what she had done to cinder as I then Teleports myself and ghirahim and the dragon knight queen and phoenix back to Hyrule as ghirahim lets the dragon knight queen stand as ghirahim had put her in robs as she gose and hugs the dragon knight king as she cried a bit while Phoenix gose to Satan hugging him as ghirahim and myself watches as ghirahim left while the darknut king came to me and rest his hand on my shoulder as he says I know how hard it must of been to send cinder there but I'm sure you can visit her whenever you like I nodes as he takes his hand away and left as so did Phoenix and Satan as they went to there room while the dragon knight king and queen went to there room to talk as I sits on my throne to think of what to do about cinder and if she will get better or not

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