I-I feel like I need to p-push

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Authors pov

"babe, I'm sorry but boys can't get pregnant you know that" this was what Harry whispered to Zayn the night before, after round 3 when Zayn kept screaming "get me pregnant Harry", and now at 10 am Zayn woke up with the dream of being pregnant again, but Harry's voice kept repeating in his head.

He put his hand on his flat stomach, all he felt was rock hard abs, he was happy that after all that hard workouts, he finally had six-packs, but now all he wanted was to be pregnant, to have a big belly, a big round belly, he wanted Harry's babies in him and most importantly he wanted to be treated like a pregnant woman.

Zayn knew something, actually Harry taught him that he can be who he wants to be, he shouldn't let anyone or anything keep him from what he wants, so he decided that being a boy can't stop him from being pregnant.

It was weekend so Harry usually slept till 12 or even later cuz he worked for a company he had to wake up early all week so Zayn let him sleep in his days off, Zayn slowly untangled himself from Harry's arms and made his way downstairs to make brunch for both, after he was done with food he wrote a note for Harry that he is going out for shopping and he'll be back soon.

Zayn thought it would take him an hour, max, to find what he wanted but when he parked his car in the garage and decided to check his phone, he saw over 20 messages and missed calls from Harry, he looked at the clock it showed 5 pm, he didn't even realize he was hungry, well he should give Harry the biggest puppy dog eyes to calm him down... if he can calm him down.

So he wasn't surprised when he opened the door and met with a very stressed very angry Mr. styles.

"oh hi!" he said a little too excited, obviously nervous.

"don't hi me Zayn! Where the hell were you! I was worried sick and you wouldn't answer-"

"relax... I wrote a note for you!" he didn't even get the chance to use his innocent eyes.

"yeah a note, you said you'll be back soon, how 5 is soon?!"

"i-I got c-carried away" Zayn mumbled, looking down at his feet.

Harry didn't mean to ruin their weekend with making Zayn sad, more than he did last night so he just sighs "just next time make sure you answer your phone, do you need help with bags?"

"no it's ok I've got it" he made his way upstairs, couldn't wait to show Harry his big surprise.

He quickly undressed himself and wore what he put half of his savings for, he looked at himself in the mirror, satisfied with his look, like he wanted, big, round and swollen, he sat on their bed, leaning on the headboard, one hand on his stomach, waiting for Harry to come and check on him.

He didn't.

Zayn waited for about 40 minutes, Harry usually comes to see what Zayn had bought but not this time, Zayn got too bored that he started talking to his- stomach?

"Daddy doesn't like me anymore, does he?" no response obviously.

"w-what if- what if he left?" the idea of Harry leaving Zayn alone got him jumping from the bed, well at least he tried, he wasn't used to be tied down with a big belly so he lost his balance and fell on the matters, he let out a loud scream, he wasn't in pain but he was frustrated.

Harry was sitting in front of the TV, watching some reality show waiting for Zayn to come back when he heard him screaming, he ran upstairs and pushed the door open to see all too familiar sight in from him, Zayn with yet another pillow tucked under his shirt, probably another pregnancy headspace.

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