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     Hello I think this book is done lol

I have 14.1k reads on this book and i cannot even believe it. If you want me to continue this i can i guess.. Just lately every  fanfic has been getting better and better each day. No joke ive been reading some amazing shit and it makes me hella jealous. Like why the hell cant i write like that....anywaaayy if you want u can send me some of your fanfic rants and i can post them, you can give me a topic and i can rant it etc....

I have a fanfic coming out (like cake should come out) Its called Heartbeat and its Cake..... 


Thank you so mother fucking fuckety much! You all have been a big part in my life. You all make me feel like i matter and it feels fucking great. I feel so loved when I'm on wattpad and that's all thanks to you guys. So many of you beautiful people have made me laugh smile and cry. When i say cry i mean like you guys are so sweet you bring literal tears to my eyes or your fanfic made me cry which several have.   

I have a lot of people and I wish I Could personally thank all of you (which i will actually try) But I need to say this to a specific person right now, 

@SiriusCatBennett- Cameron....You are one of the sweetest people in the whole world. When you and I started talking you never failed to make me smile. We lost touch for a while. One day you messaged me out of the blue, and in the shitty day i was having you made me feel so fucking happy. I cried and I'm crying typing this. You seriously made my day and I can't thank you enough. I love you So much! Thanks for being there for me,

Shit got sappy real quick holy shit.

With all my Thank Yous i also have some sorrys......

I'm so sorry guys. I've done some stuff that was totally immature and i regret it. I was just really upset and yea. I'm controlling my anger or at least trying to. If any of that shit affected you I'm terribly sorry. If it did you can message me and tell me.

I'm sorry to someone that I hurt. I'm not sure if this person is reading but if you are I'm sorry....Although I was hurt I shouldn't matter. I don't want anymore conflict and I hope you read this and accept my apology. If you don't well then idk what else to say. 

Welp i think I'm done.....I love you all. I refuse to call you all peasants bruh it just doesn't sound or look right. I feel like it makes me look idk like controlling or some shit idek but i shall call you all Royals..... LMFAO idk but i like it for some reason........

Thank you Royals

xxQueen Bitchxx



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