Pregnancy in Fanfics

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     Im back bitches with another rant are you reaaadddyyyyyy...................




     Ok so this goes for Mpreg and Straight fics. You do not fuck one day then the next day suspect that youre pregnant yeaaaa tha shit dosent work like that at all. Soooooo you arent gonna fuck Ashton and wake up the next morning puking your guts out.  It  takes about a week for you to start getting symptoms not a fucking day. Example

Ashton's POV

" Oh yea mikey bby right der dat feeyulz nice" 

"Yea Ashton Kutcher does it?" i moan when mikey calls me ashton kutcher bc i have an ashton kutcher kink.(what the actual fuck) When mikey and i are done fucking or whatever i start to feel very sick. I throw up all over mikeys face.

    El oh El.......NO

It ain't like that bruuuuh

hoestly idk what the fuck that is all i know is that stressess me out lawl anywhore vote and comment yallz

P.S sorry if its really short 

Queen Bitch 

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