Chapter 4: Vosey

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After Adalena had snatched Rayla's hair she led them to an adjoining cave. Rayla was still hesitant about trusting Adalena, especially now, since she possessed some of Rayla's hair.

"So what's the plan?" Rayla asked.

"Well, Vosey will possess me and do his magic, sending you to the future!" Adalena said as she rummaged around the cave collecting supplies for the spell.

"Wait...possess you?" Callum asked sounding shocked.

"You say it like it's a bad thing! But it's no big deal, he does it all the time," Adalena said, "But if it helps you can think of me as Vosey's puppet."

"It doesn't help," Rayla muttered as Adalena approached her and grabbing Rayla's face started painting something on her forehead. Rayla resisted at first but soon accepted her fate and let Adalena procced. The paint felt cool on Rayla's skin before drying. After Adalena finished she moved on to Callum giving Rayla a chance to examine the room more closely.

The cave was cluttered with a mixture of ancient crates, chests, and boxes with the odd chair or couch crammed in a corner. However, there was a waterfall running down the wall on the far side of the cave and the area around the cascading water was mostly clear. Rayla hated water and she hoped the spell wouldn't require the use of the waterfall.

"Okay," Adalena said as she stepped back from Callum, "So what's going to happen is Vosey will cast the spell and you'll need to walk through the waterfall-"

"Is there a water-free version of this spell?" Callum asked, interrupting Adalena's instructions. Rayla smiled at him appreciatively, since she knew he was asking to try to make things more comfortable for her.

"Are you an all-knowing Star mage?" Adalena countered, putting her hands on her hips.

"," Callum said awkwardly.

"Well, neither am I!" Adalena said with a laugh, "But Vosey knows what he's doing. I've learned it's better to not question him too much."

"Oh okay," Callum said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Anyways, on the other side of the waterfall, you'll enter a room that will allow you to cross into the future. The symbols I painted on your foreheads will make it so you can view the future as beings similar to ghosts. This is because you'll be in a different realm of existence from the things you'll be seeing. Any questions?" Adalena said, "No? Okay then, let's get started."

"Wait-" Rayla cried as Adalena closed her eyes and strange smoke started wrapping around her.

Rayla still had so many questions and hesitations about this spell. She wasn't even sure if they could trust Adalena, let alone Vosey. They couldn't even see him! But before Rayla could calm any of her fears the fog around Adalena fell. Adalena was faintly glowing and her hair was loosely floating around her face. She opened her eyes but they weren't her usual kind yet crazy eyes. Instead, they were cold and cruel... so this was Vosey.

Rayla felt Callum grab a hold of her hand. She looked over at him and he offered her a reassuring smile as Adalena... no... Vosey started the spell. Rayla felt the paint on her forehead burn cold, and she squeezed Callum's hand.

"Now you may cross through the waterfall," The possessed Adalena said in a deep, powerful voice. Callum stiffened next to Rayla, and she looked over at him.

"Are you okay?" Rayla asked, seeing that Callum looked confused.

"Yeah, it's just that voice..." Callum said, his sentence drifting off, "But let's not worry about that right now. Are you ready?"

"Yeah," Rayla sighed, "Let's get this over with."

Rayla started towards the now shining waterfall feeling dread. She hated the water.

"Wait," Callum cried taking off his scarf and holding it above Rayla's head, "It's not much, but hopefully it'll keep you somewhat dry."

"Thank you," Rayla said, feeling a blush spread across her face. Callum was the sweetest and she was so lucky to have him in her life. She loved him and that's why she would go against her better judgment and go through with this spell.

"You're welcome," Callum said as they walked through the waterfall together.

On the other side of the waterfall was a small room with walls, ceiling, and floors made out of white, cloudy material. The scarf had kept Rayla mostly dry but Callum hadn't been so lucky, he was soaked. There was a weird portal in the center of the room. It looked like the night sky filled with shining stars and spinning galaxies.

"I think we're supposed to go through the portal next," Callum said, wringing out his drenched scarf.

"Yeah, I think you're right-" Rayla started, but she was interrupted by a call from the other side of the waterfall.

"Rayla! Callum!" Adalena cried in her usual voice.

"What?" Callum said.

"I forgot to tell you something," Adalena yelled, "To get to the future you have to go through the past!"

Rayla turned around but she could barely see Adalena through the curtains of cascading water, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It doesn't matter what it means," Callum cried, "I don't think we can turn back now. Look!"

Rayla looked to where Callum was pointing and gasped. The waterfall was swiftly becoming the same strange material as the rest of the room.

"We're trapped!" Rayla said, panic filling her voice.

"No, we're not," Callum replied, "We can go through the portal."

"But we don't know where it leads!"

"Hopefully it leads to the future," Callum said as he walked over to stand directly in front of the portal then holding out his hand added, "So are you coming?"

"I'd follow you anywhere you dummy," Rayla said taking his hand.

"I know," Callum said with a wink and Rayla rolled her eyes at him.

"Let's do this," Callum said as they walked into the portal together.

Rayla was engulfed by a white light so bright she had to close her eyes, but she kept walking. Soon she felt grass under her feet and opened her eyes. She blinked her eyes a few times trying to adjust her eyes to the lighting. When she had recovered she realized that she and Callum stood in the courtyard of Katolis Castle.

"Callum?" Rayla asked, "What just happened?!"

#####Author's Note#####

Sorry about the wait for this chapter. I didn't have access to wifi until today, so I hope this chapter was worth the wait. Thank you so much for reading and let me know what you think!-HappyLlama160

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