LoserCake oneshot,,

546 13 23

Maybe I made this to cope with Bfb 16 idk
But I did make it
And I used it to procrastinate
Anyway enjoy it.

Loser lay awake on the new challenge area. He'd just come back into BFB, and already everything had changed. He'd been coping with it better than everyone else here, so that was a plus, at least. He still missed a lot of his friends, but then again, it wasn't too much. He'd been missing them for 2 years already.

Sighing, Loser shifted to get into a more comfortable position. It was near midnight, yet he still couldn't sleep. His mind wouldn't rest. As he moved around, he felt something in his pocket. Removing it, he found it to be his phone. ... Huh. He'd completely forgotten he'd had that on him.

Loser held the power button to power it on for the first time in years. After a few seconds of the startup screen, he saw his old, trusty lock screen. Him and his whole team. It just made Loser feel a little more homesick. His phone was on 20%, but it would be enough to last him the night.

He'd actually not gotten too many notifications while he was gone. A lot from Twitter and his Discord server, but that's to be expected. He had very few texts, but he was eliminated, so it kind of made sense. Loser sat, clearing out notifications he didn't have the time or energy to fully read through. He stopped as he saw a new notification pop up.


It was a text message, from Cake. It was sent just now. Loser smiled to himself, but stopped when he noticed how strange this was. Usually, Cake would put an exclamation point or two at the end of his greetings. The absence of any pointed towards something wrong. He could sense it. Plus, it was past midnight. Usually, everyone back at home would be asleep. Something just felt off about this.

Loser decided to ignore this for now, tapping on the notification to go to the messages app. He was just glad to get to talk to one of his friends. Especially Cake. He'd missed the slightly taller boy dearly. Loser typed out a reply to the greeting.

"Hi Cake! Why are you up so late?"

"I can't sleep..."

"Why not? Anxiety again?"

"Kind of."

"I don't know."

"It was nice seeing you earlier, even if we didn't get to talk."

"I didn't expect Two to split the shows up..."

"I don't think anyone expected it. Also, I'm flattered. It was honestly good seeing you too."


"I miss you a lot"

"I miss you too, of course. I miss everyone."

"How are things over there?"

"They're ok. Clock's mad at us, but it was kind of our faults."

"Everything's weird with Two here."

"He's strange, like Four, but a different kind of strange. If that even makes sense."

"It doesn't, I'm sorry. I feel like a mess.."

"No, Cake. I get what you mean. You're not a mess. You're great the way you are!"

"Aww, Loser, thank you,,"

"I'm just telling the truth."

There was a bit of time after that when Cake didn't reply. Loser was a little worried, but didn't stress over it. Maybe he'd just fallen asleep. It was a shame. Loser really enjoyed talking to him.

Loser thought about how much he missed Cake. He'd missed the times the two hung out on their own together... How Cake would always show Loser things he found funny... How he'd been quiet and shy at first but had gradually warmed up to Loser... How they'd talk about all sorts of topics together... And they'd share secrets they trusted hardly anyone else with... How they'd built a strong trust between them... Every time they'd hung out was fun.

Loser's heart ached as he stared up at the moon. He hadn't even realized how much he'd missed Cake. How much he'd loved him. How he longed to hear his voice again, and it could just be them again. Hanging out, just like old times. At least he could text Cake.

Loser looked back at his phone to see he'd gotten another text from Cake. Alright, so he hadn't fallen asleep.

"Sorry about that, I had to do something real quick :P"

"It's fine! Don't worry about it."

"Alright. What are things like over there?"

"It's... Alright. There's not too many people to talk to, and it's kind of barren."

"Aww, that sucks :("

"It's not too bad!"

"I wish you were here, but I'm glad you joined the show that you wanted to join. I just hope you have fun."

"Aa thank you,, same for you, basically. I'll miss you a lot but I guess it's not too different from when you were eliminated.."

"Frick, ok, I'm finally starting to get really tired. I think I'm gonna go sleep :P"

"I'll talk to you tomorrow."


Loser knew his phone wouldn't really last long now. It was on 3%. He only had about 10 minutes on it, tops. He didn't think anyone had a charger, and there was certainly not an outlet. Cake probably wouldn't be able to talk to him for a while. So he wanted to make this last text count for something.

"Goodnight, Cake. I love you."

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