Chapter 106

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Riker POV:

I feel so horrible for what I did to Ross and Laura

After what Vanessa told me, I can’t stop thinking about it

I just got out of the car and about to turn the handle to the door

I really want them to forgive me

I enter the house to see Ross and Laura sitting on the couch a certain distance away from each other

“Hey guys” I say and they look up

“Hi Riker” Laura says with a small smile

“Look I’m really sorry and I know you probably aren’t gonna forgive me bu-“ I try to say before Laura inturupts me

“Riker I forgive you” she says

“You do?” I ask and she nods

“I know you didn’t mean to do this, so, I forgive you” she says and I smile

“Thanks Laur” I say

She looks at Ross and he sighs

“I forgive you too” He says and I smile and pull them into a hug and they hug back

Vanessa POV:

Ross and Laura forgave Riker?

Maybe I should forgive Riker too now that I know he didn’t mean it

Like, that was really nice of him to apologize

Suddenly my thought got interrupted my phone ringing, I answer it

V: hello?

???: This is Jimmy come to the studio with everyone now

Then he hangs up

Well that was rude

“Everyone! We need to go to the studio!” I yell

“Even us?” Ross and Laura both ask

“Yup” I say popping the ‘P’

They all walk out the door except for Riker

“Riker aren’t you coming?” I ask

He pauses

“Look Vanessa I’m really so-“He tries to say before I interrupt him

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