Chapter 108

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Rydel POV:

Wow I can't believe I'm a senior

I walk downstairs wearing a black top and a white pair of jeans a pink tutu and pink high tops

I see my mom laying on the couch watching TV

"Hey mom, how's the baby?" I ask and she groans

"I just want this thing to be out already" she says and I laugh

"Don't worry mom, he/she will be out soon" I say

"Well I'll see you later, have fun sweetie" my mom says and I smile and walk outside to everyone already in the car

Riker starts the car and drives away from the house

At school a few minutes later:

I was walking with Laura to our next class when she got a text and smiles

"What is it?" I ask

"Ross asked if I could meet with him at the back of the school for lunch today" she says and I smile

We walk into the classroom and sit next to each other

Class is so boring

I look over to Laura and she's staring off into space with her eyes starting to close

"Laura?" I whisper she doesn't move

I kick her leg and she almost falls off her desk and I snort

She looks at me and I smile and she smiles back sarcastically

"Laura, Rydel, Vanessa, Olivia, Ross, Riker, Rocky, and Ellington to the office please, Laura, Rydel, Vanessa, Olivia, Ross, Riker, Rocky, and Ellington to the office please" The speaker announcer says

Laura and I look at each other and the teacher lets us out

We walk out and close the door

"What do you think they need us for?" I ask and she shrugs

"I don't know?" She asks "but let's find out"

We walk to the office and half way their we run into everyone

"Guys, do you know why we were called?" Laura asks

"No, we're as clueless as you" Ross says

We walk into the office and see the secretary sitting at the desk

"Hi, you called us?" Riker says

"Yes, you all need to go to the hospital, your mom is in Labor so your excused from school" she says and all our eyes widen

We run to the car that's parked out side and Riker instantly runs in and drives away while we are all smiling our heads off

"Omg I'm so happy, I'm gonna have a baby brother/sister!" I yell

We finally arrive to the hospital and run in to see my dad passing back and forth

"Dad!" I yell and run up to him while he turns to me

"How's mom!" Riker asks

"She's fine" Dad says

We wait their for about an hour later and finally the doctor comes

"How is she!" My dad asks getting up

"She has still not delivered the baby, but she's working on it" the doctor says

I sigh and sit down

It's been over 2 hours and they haven't come back

"Guys do you think mom is gonna be ok?" I ask

"Don't worry Delly, she's gonna be fine" Laura says to me hugging me

Laura POV:

I really hope stories gonna be okay

"Mom's strong, she can do this" Riker says and puts his arm around her

Finally the doctor comes out and we all jump up

"How's my mom!" Rydel yells and the doctors eyes widen

"She still hasn't delivered the baby" the doctor says "her heart stopped for a few minutes but now it's beating again but it keep stopping and at this moment it is not starting again" the doctor says

"WHAT!" Rydel yells while her eyes shut and falls into Riker's arms

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