Special 01

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There's nothing special about today, I just came up with an idea for a Oneshot with the Cryptons.

Oh! In this one-shot Rin and Len are siblings btw. Just so you know in all the other chapters they're seen as mirror images by the other loids.



Third Person POV

It was a Sunday morning in the Crypton Household. Everyone was still asleep, due to the fact it was still too early to do something, and according to Luka everyone needed their 'beauty' Sleep. But honestly no one believed that, they all usually get to bed by Meiko, a very aggressive Meiko. But it's always fun to play a little hide and seek and run away from Meiko in your Pjs. However, the people that found it more fun were no others but the Kagamine siblings.

So let's see how everything went at last night's 'run and hide from the meiko lady from vocaloid'.


Miku's POV

"No wait! Luka!!!Get back here!" I yelled at Luka as she was running away with my curling iron.

"No fair! I thought you called me here for a girls talk. I deserve to have decent hair for this." Luka UwU-ed, making me sigh.

"Ughh fine. Just don't break it like the previous time." I warned her.

"Hey I wasn't the only one responsible for this! I only broke it. And then Rin set it on fire." Luka exclaimed pretending to be offended.

"Exactly. That's why she's not here. I don't want to clean ashes from my room again." I shivered remembering the awful smell of a curling iron's ashes. You may rest in peace my friend. Me and my hair will miss you.

"Well you didn't have to ship her to Germany just so you would be satisfied with getting revenge on her" Luka reasoned while it was obvious she was holding back a laugh.

"I mean, she was speaking German for a week when she returned, because apparently she had forgot how to speak English." she spoke again.

"Yeah, but don't forget she forced Len to dance to German polkka for a week pffft" I remembered and giggled at the memory of Len embarrassing himself in such a way.

Suddenly a knock was heard at my bed room's door.

"Come in!" I ordered.

The door opened and it revealed that Meiko in her crimson nightwear. I glanced at Luka and she glanced back at me. We both knew it was time.

"Girls it's time for bed. Luka are you sleeping at Miku's room tonight?"Meiko asked getting inside the room.

"Yeah." Luka answered settling the curling iron down while removing its cord from the plug in the wall.

"Alright goodnight girls." And with that Meiko flashed us a smile and turned off the lights. But we knew that smile would vanish in seconds for when she enter the Kagamine's room.

Luka as the obedient girl she is and always have been didn't argue at all with Meiko. I wanted to speak up, because come on it was only 9 o' clock. Half an hour more wouldn't hurt. But my hair were too good for that. So I obeyed Meiko's orders and mirrored Luka's actions.

Suddenly a crack was heard from the room next door. And both Luka and I almost jumped up from our beds.

"It's on" Luka murmured.

"Lord spare them mercy" I murmured and afterwards giggled lightly.


Third Person's POV

Vocaloid Skits - mostly the meme squad and the cryptonloidsWhere stories live. Discover now