Special 02

357 13 12

So this is kind of related to that chapter where Miku is sick and stuff. (bold of you to assume i remember the chapters of my own book.) Anyway, the same thing that happened at that chapter won't repeat again, probably. Miku is just ill for this chapter, because I feel like it. Also, Rin and Len aren't related in this chapter. Enjoy~


It was about 3am in the Cryptonloid household, everyone was sleeping. Except for Miku. Our beloved, leek loving, diva had trouble sleeping.

And no, as many of you would think, she wasn't kept awake because of the Internet (like most of us here). She was awake, because she felt, you guessed it, sick!

Her nose was running and the one moment she felt like she was in a erupting volcano and a few seconds later as if she was suddenly transformed to Alaska. Normal stuff.

Although, if the Cryptonloids knew about her state, before they fell asleep, they would have locked their doors shut to prevent any sounds from any other rooms. Meaning, specifically hers.

The Cryptonloids would not for sure be able to sleep that night. Because our lovely, Miku Hatsune has in fact the most loud and high pitched sneeze in the town. No wait, world.

For example she would sneeze and Luka would think the end of the world was near. So, to prevent any other bizzare 'incidents' caused by Miku's flu. The Vocaloids all closed their doors shut.

However, that night was a night of July. And it was boiling hot in their area. And having only one air conditioner, that was placed in the living room, the Vocaloids, all left their doors open to get some of the cool air and not be burnt alive.

Kaito was the one that thought of the idea of the closed doors that would prevent Miku's sneezes from being heard by everyone.

But, Miku tonight was going to ruin this man's whole career.

Miku couldn't take it anymore, she was gasping for air. Trying to hold back her sneeze. She knew if she let one out, then other 429 would follow.

'Must keep it in...'

At the same time though, Len had woken up for unknown reasons and headed to the bathroom while dragging Rin by her foot along. Anyone could tell that Len was sleep walking and well, Rin wasn't even trying to walk, she was asleep too but instead she was talking, no wait, cursing.

The two teens were heading to random places doing whoever knows what. But unfortunately for them, they happened to enter Miku's room too.

Miku gasped in suprise to see the two Kagamines heading for her leeks. That was it, it was her leeks or everyone's sleep. And since Miku is a well-behaved and well-mannered girl she decided what would be best for her friends.

And when I say friends I mean leeks. Miku grabbed a pepper holder that was mysteriously combed in Rin's hair and sniffed it with all her might.

And so, Miku released her inner beast. A sneeze or maybe scream was heard. It was louder than her scream in World is Mine, Rin's Meltdown and all the hihihiE's Len has yelled when he was found dancing in front of the bathroom mirror.

It is useless saying that everyone was now wide awake. Miku kept on sneezing and sniffing, breaking her old records.

Meiko, Kaito and Luka rushed to her room to see what happened but once they arrived and saw Miku's state, a terrified expression was plastered across their faces.

Meiko threw some aspirines near Miku, for she might need it later. And Kaito and Luka threw her some sprays for allergies, praying for them to put an end to their misery.

But what about Rin and Len?

Our two beloved blondes were currently hanging from Miku's lamp, each of them holding tight to the other, fearing the teal haired creature below them.

When they kind of calmed down, both of them rushed and jumped away from their place in the ceiling. Although they were unsure of the way they'd land, fortunately for them they landed on top of Kaito and no harm was done. Excluding Kaito of course.

After their epic jump and landing they sprang away to their room. They grabbed two suitcases and stuffed them with clothes, oranges, bananas and literally whatever. Len prepared the roadroller and Rin was booking tickets for the closest airplane.

Finally both of them left with their roadroller and no one heard from them ever since.

The next week though, Miku had recovered from the flu and was now alright. However, she didn't know what happened to Rin and Len afterwards and the others didn't tell her.

Later that afternoon a mail was sent to Luka. It said that it was for all of them. Luka called out to them and when they all had gathered, they opened the email. Only for it to reveal a picture of Rin and Len chilling in Hawaii.

The End.


This is the most random thing I've ever written so far, but that's what this book is about so what did you expect boomer? The Kagamines are in Hawaii, what will they do? Mystery has yet to be solved.

Vocaloid Skits - mostly the meme squad and the cryptonloidsWhere stories live. Discover now