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Part 1 : Meiko

Meiko narrate us, a story of yours about.... your age!

Meiko :

I will ignore the fact that this subject seems suspicious. I bet Rin and Len voted for it anyway. They just want to learn my age so bad.

A lady doesn't reveal her age ~!

But anyway, let's start with this story.

It happened on a Saturday afternoon, in the living Room. Kaito, Miku, Rin and I were sitting there. Kaito and Miku were in a very heated game of uno and were really irritating.

Rin and I on the other hand were plopped on the couch watching some sci-fi documentary, out of boredom.

I was about to doze off to sleep when Rin suddenly talked.

She started talking about those random space things the documentary showed. And how she and Len learned about them the previous day at school.

I was about to fall asleep again when she asked me a question.

She asked me how old earth is and I replied 4.54 billion years.

She made a small 'o' with her lips until she finally responded.

"Oh that's almost as old as you are"

And then went back on eating her orange and watching the documentary.

That moment I really considered on telling her about Santa Claus.

I didn't think that if I didn't tell them my age she would think I'm ancient! But that's Rin for you!


Comment down bellow a subject for the next cryptonloid!

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