The Move.

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"Are you excited to be back," Mom asked in the passenger seat as we were driving to our new house.

"Yea, I'm just excited to see Kelsey," I replied while looking at the trees passing us fastly.

Kelsey was my best friend and my only friend in my home town. We started becoming friends in middle school but I had to leave for my dad's new job but he recently had another job offer back in our home town so we are moving back. I was happy at my new school but it never felt like home or the place I felt comfortable at. I am glad to be back to create new memories. I am a senior and transferring to a new school during the middle of the first semester was pretty scary. So many new people but I was optimistic about this new year.

"I can't wait for you to see the new house, honey!" Dad said, bringing me back to reality.

"I can't believe I didn't get to see the house yet," I replied.

"Yea, your mother and I thought it would be a cool surprise," Dad said.

"Dad I'm fine with anything, you know that."

"Yea I just want this house to be THE house we all love because this job will be permanent. That means no more moving!"

I chuckled, "I hope so."

After a few moments of driving and watching all the big houses pass us one by one, the car came to a stop in front of a beautiful, modern, two-story house. To say it was a step up from our old house was an understatement. The house was white with big windows. The driveway was a circle drive. I've always wanted a circle drive. There was a 4 door garage and there were lights all over the lawn. Wow, this house was stunning.

"Oh my gosh, Dad this is our home?"

"Yes, sweetheart. Do you like it?"

"Um like it? I love it!" I replied.

"Your mom and I spent a lot of time deciding on the right house."

"When are Megan and John coming?" Megan is my younger sister and she's a year younger than me. John is our older brother, but he was only a few months older than me. Since my parents couldn't have a boy, they adopted John. John and I were both seniors while Megan was a Sophmore. They decided they were going on a trip for this week since school was next week, with my cousins so they are going to meet us at the new house tomorrow. I would have gone but I wanted to see my best friend and move in. The perks of coming to the house before your siblings are getting first picks on rooms.

"I think your brother told me they were going to be back tomorrow." Mom replied while carrying boxes in.

"I am going to Kelsey's house tonight mom," I replied while grabbing my suitcase. It was a Friday night and there was a huge party tonight at some guy's house. Kelsey begged me to come. At first, I was unsure but one party wouldn't hurt. I could meet new people that were going to my school so that's a plus.

"Alright sweetheart, don't do anything crazy alright." My mom said sternly. "Your dad and I are going to be at dinner tonight at a friend's house."

"Okay mom, you kids have fun," I said while laughing.

"Oh does Kelsey still live in the neighborhood across from us?" Mom asked.

"Yes, she texted me her address while I was in the car and it looks like she's only a few minutes away from us," I said while looking at her address.

I walked into the house and I was in awe. There was a double staircase in the middle of the foyer and I caught sight of our living room instantly. Wow, this house was amazing. There were about 9 rooms throughout the entire house. There was the master bedroom, 3 bedrooms for the kids, a guestroom, a theater room, a gym, a piano room, and a gaming room. My sister played the piano so my parents dedicated a room for her. Guess who the favorite sibling was. There was a big backyard for my brother and the sports he played.

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