The Siblings.

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When I arrived home, I noticed that my parents were home and that their car was in the garage. I thought they would be working today. Guess not. As I walked inside, I placed my keys on the key holder on the garage wall.

I walked in and made my way towards my room. I needed to freshen up. I showered and wrapped a towel around my body. I went to look at myself in the bathroom mirror and noticed that I looked fine except for the cut on my arm. It wasn't a long one, it was about an inch or two. It was deep more than long. I touched the back of my head and I winced. There is definitely a bruise. I brushed my hair and towel-dried my hair. I hated the feeling of wet hair. I went to pick out my clothes, I chose a top that was short sleeved that covered the stitches and some shorts.

I walked down and saw my parents making breakfast. Well mostly my mom. My dad was just standing near the toaster, drinking his coffee. "It smells pretty good in here," I said loudly and their heads turned my way with a big smile. My parents were good cooks, they taught me a few things. However, I liked baking more but I would still help them cook some days.

"Hey I hope you're hungry we made lots for you and you're siblings. They are on their way home now." My mom placed a plate of food in front of me and smiled.

"Starving and It feels like I haven't seen them for weeks." They were only gone for about a week but the house was silent without all of our arguments. I don't know how I would survive if I was the only child.

"Aww you miss them." My mom held her hand on her heart.

"Yea they're alright." I chuckled while taking a bite of my food. Wow, food tasted so much better after having many shots of alcohol last night.

"I know you're not talking about me, little sister!" John yelled as he walked towards the kitchen from the front double doors. He had a big smile on his face with luggages in his hand. He looked tanner than he was before he left. Since he was my adoptive brother, he was tan while I was fairly pale but I will get tan soon. He had light hazel eyes. I was jealous of his eyes. Mine was a poop color brown, it was so dark that they almost looked black. He was a basketball and football player, he was a great one too. I think he wanted to get into another sport.

My sister was walking behind him carrying her luggage and smiling before dropping her stuff and running towards my mom. She was the baby of the family so she was the spoiled one. I know my parents don't want to acknowledge it but she was the favorite one. Being the middle child sucks. You're always being overlooked until you're needed to do chores.

"Oh how I miss your annoying voices," I say sarcasticlly while eating my toast.

John hits me on my arm causing me to wince. I didn't want my parents to ask so I just tried playing it off but I knew John saw what I did but didn't say anything. He just gave me a look that said we're talking about this later.

After we ate our food and talked about what we were excited to do, my mom decided to tell us that we are having a family dinner tonight. "I don't care what you guys are doing today but I just want everyone home at 7 for dinner." It was currently 1 pm right now. Everyone agreed and left.

I saw that there was a dance studio a few miles from my house. It was next door to some gym, 'Emerald gym' or something. I use to dance at my old school but stopped. I loved getting lost in the music and freestyling. It was so therapeutic and my stress reliever.

As I was in my room looking for my leggings, my brother came into my room. His room was on the other side of the stairs, while mine was on this side with the game room. "What happened to your arm? Did someone hurt you?" He asked while sitting on my bed.

I went to close the door so no one heard our conversation. My brother and I were close, we told each other everything. Well, almost everything. But we were honest and made a pact that there will be no lies between us.

"I went to a party and this kid cut me. It's no big deal." I didn't want him to freak out and it wasn't a big deal.

He started to get mad," Who's this kid and why did he cut you? Actually, if you have stitches then he must have stabbed you or something."

"John, if I tell you then you CANNOT go ape shit okay?" He didn't answer me. He just stared at me. Then nodded, so I continued.

"Well, this kid that doesn't go to our school drugged me and then tried to rape me," I said softly while looking at the ground.

He got up and hugged me, "What the hell! Are you okay?" His soft look turned into a mad look quickly. "I am going to kill him! What's his name?"

I tried calming him down. "I'm fine and he didn't do anything to me. Axel helped me and even stitched me up."

"Name! And Thank God for this Axel guy."

"The kid's name was Evan. Don't kill him okay?" I said sighing. "Hey, promise me you won't do anything STUPID."

He sighs then nodded walking out of my room. Too much happened in such a short span of a few minutes. Ugh, I need a nap.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2020 ⏰

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