The Care.

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Before I pass out I could see a light. Am I dying? Is this it for me? I don't get to finish off my senior year? My arm feels limp from all the blood I lost and my head was spinning from all of the slammings. I closed my eyes and let what happens happens. I heard punches and talking but I can't understand what and who the voices belonged to. I felt my body carried out and a few seconds later, I was on another bed. Not again. I opened my eyes and try to see what was going on. I try to muster all the energy I had and look at who was there. No one was there. I couldn't sit up. Everything hurted. A few moments later I see a dark-haired guy come in with what I think is an ice pack and a bottle of alcohol.

He slowly puts the ice pack on my head and looks at me. "Hey, you're up, I brought you to my room and don't worry about Evan. Are you okay?"

"Yea" I sounded coarse but it was all I could say. My throat hurts.

"It's okay don't talk. This might hurt. A lot."

Before I could question what he meant, I feel my arm that was cut burn like crazy. Oh my God. I looked down and saw how deep the cut was and saw that he was pouring alcohol to disinfect it. A few tears started to slip out of my eye as he was doing that. Now I was definitely sobered up. He then begins to suture stitch my cut. I look at the guy some more and realized that it was Axel. What? How? Why?

"There. That should help heal it up a bit." He said looking at my cut. He starts to clean up the area he was helping me in and stood up. Before he walks out, I grabbed his wrist.

"Please, don't leave." I pleaded while looking at him. I did not want to be alone after what just happened.

It looked like he was contemplating it and he finally nodded his head. He went to the other side of me and laid down. I laid on my back and stared at the ceiling. I can't believe that Evan really tried to rape me. I couldn't believe that he cut me and hurt me. He was the type of person to lay hands on a girl. The thought of him made me mad. But I remembered that Axel helped me.

I turned my head towards him. He was looked at me with his deep blue eyes.

I smiled at him and straining my voice, "Thank you."

"Get some rest. You lost a lot of blood." He said sounding concerned.

As I closed my eyes, a tear fell and I could feel a hand on my cheek and a finger wiping it off.

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