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AURORA Channel

"Hi everyone!" Mina said, looking towards the camera and waving happily.

"Hi, it's you favourite sweetie, Park Mina!" She introduced herself brightly, "of course, I didn't come alone!"

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"Hi, it's you favourite sweetie, Park Mina!" She introduced herself brightly, "of course, I didn't come alone!"

"I'm here too, hello!" Timothy said, moving into frame and sending peace signs to the camera.

"Here to be your wings, hi! I'm Jaehy- Timothy! I'm Timothy!" He laughed awkwardly before moving to sit beside Mina, "it's still kind of awkward calling myself Timothy

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"Here to be your wings, hi! I'm Jaehy- Timothy! I'm Timothy!" He laughed awkwardly before moving to sit beside Mina, "it's still kind of awkward calling myself Timothy..."

"Why didn't you use Jaehyun?" Mina asked, genuinely curious.

"Everyone else used their birth name for AURORA, so I wanted to too, but I haven't gone by Timothy in almost 3 years now so it's a bit..." he trailed off with a chuckle.

"Ah" Mina muttered, understanding, before turning back to the camera, "We'll introduce ourselves, 2,3"

"Hi, we are AURORA" the two said together.

"Since I'm the oldest I'm kind of going to MC, but we haven't really got much planned to do" she giggled, "if you have any questions, feel free to ask, we'll answer as many as we can!"

"Have you eaten?" Timothy read from the comments, "Yeah, we actually just went to a small barbecue restaurant with the other AURORA members to celebrate the release!"

"Right!" Mina said with a smile, "it was really tasty!" She added, "it was my first time meeting Hawon and Luna, I've talked to the boys a little since their close with Timothy but I'd only seen the girls around the company before today" she explained, Timothy nodding along beside her.

"Right!" Mina said with a smile, "it was really tasty!" She added, "it was my first time meeting Hawon and Luna, I've talked to the boys a little since their close with Timothy but I'd only seen the girls around the company before today" she expla...

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"It was really fun, I'm glad I finally properly met them!" She exclaimed happily before turning to Timothy.

"Yeah it was fun, I hadn't seen them since... my birthday I think? It was nice catching up with them and the food was really yummy" he giggled.

"Vie? Yes of course we saw!" Mina said after reading a comment.

"Ah yes! Celestial Entertainment's first official debut, it's so exciting!" Timothy added, "she congratulated us on the release of RE-BYE today too! She couldn't come to the meal with us since she was busy, but it meant a lot that she came to congratulate us."

"It was actually my first time meeting her too" Mina giggled, "I hadn't even seen her around the company much either since she has been so busy preparing for debut, I was shocked though! She's so pretty!!"

"I'm making it sound like I never talk to anyone here" she added with a shy laugh.

"Did everyone see the music video?" Timothy asked suddenly, scooting closer to the phone so he could see the comments easier, "I'm still so nervous about it, I really hope you all like it..."

"Let's read some comments, 'it's so good' 'the video was so cool' 'Mina's vocals' thank you!" Mina read out quickly, "speaking of the vocals, it was so scary! When I heard the demo I really didn't think I'd be able to do it, but IU CEO helped me out a lot and personally gave me some tips, it really helped."

"Yeah! If you didn't know we have staff who help train us for vocals and rap and such, but IU CEO came to help us, despite how busy she must be, it was really shocking but we were very grateful" Timothy added, "she really helped a lot"

"Okay we'll read two more questions and then we have to go" Mina said, pulling her hair into a ponytail quickly.

"Will you be debuting soon?" Timothy read out, looking over to Mina, "um, we are training well and preparing, so soon, hopefully" he said with a smile, "Mina too"

"Yeah" Mina agreed, nodding slightly, "sorry I really can't read the comments, do you mind if I hold the phone?" She asked quietly, looking towards Timothy who nodded with a smile.

"Okay" She started, as she picked up the phone and brought it closer to her face, "oh- what did I do..." she trailed off with a laugh as a filter appeared, "at least it's pretty" she giggled, smiling at the camera like she was taking a selfie.

" she trailed off with a laugh as a filter appeared, "at least it's pretty" she giggled, smiling at the camera like she was taking a selfie

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"Okay there" she said, after figuring out how to turn the filter off, "I'll read comments now" she laughed.

"Unnie is so pretty? Ah thank you so much!" She smiled brightly, just as Timothy moved beside her, now appearing back in shot.

"Okay last comment, what would you be doing if you weren't a trainee" Timothy read out.

"Oh that's hard..." Mina trailed off, looking at Timothy and seeing him with the same thinking face as her.

"I don't think I would be doing anything else" he said honestly, "all of my life I've only ever thought about music, maybe a ballet dancer? I took classes when I was younger" he explained briefly, "either way, it would definitely still be something to do with music!"

"Honestly I don't think I would..." Mina trailed off, "I've never been very confident, and I'm still so nervous to be doing this, but it kind of all happened so quickly I'm not even really sure how I ended up here" she laughed awkwardly, "I'd probably be a teacher or something" she finally said, shaking her head a little.

"Anyway! We are going to go now, but thank you for spending time with us!" Mina said suddenly, trying to change the mood.

"Yes!" Timothy replied, "I hope you all enjoyed RE-BYE and will continue to support us both, thank you!"

"Bye!" They both said brightly, waving to the camera before ending the broadcast.

Center_Queen aboringirl

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