The wound

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Thomas groaned and gripped the sides of the bed as one of the doctors put of a fresh bandage. "There isn't a lot we can do, this is going to take a long time to heal. You've cracked your entire knee cap, if you put any pressure on it you may never be able to walk again. If we leave it how it is, it will heal itself but I could take anywhere up to 3 months to fully heal, and even after that you'll still be limping." The doctor stated. The word 'limping' brought to mind Newt. Thomas stared and Minho, they shared a worried look.

"Do whatever you have to do," Thomas replied. His voice was on the verge of cracking, he couldn't tell if it was from the pain or the worrying outcome. "We need to find Janson."

"There are people already looking for him," Minho replied. Thomas laid back down.
"I'll stay of my knee, but I'm not sitting here for 3 months," Thomas said sternly.

One of the doctors pulled out a knee brace and said," that's why were gonna put one of these of you." Thomas sat back up to look at the black robotic like thing the doctor was placing around his knee.

Once the object was securely put on his knee, Thomas shuffled around and swung his legs over the edge of the bed to stand up, obviously only going to stand on his good leg. Thomas's face muscles tightened as he did this. Once he was standing, Thomas found a balancing point. The other doctor in the room handed Thomas a pair of crutches.

Thomas was confused on where they got all of this stuff, but thought it better not to ask questions. "I want to see you again tomorrow morning after breakfast," the doctor said. Thomas just nodded as him and Minho left the room.

Brenda, Jorge and Frypan where waiting patiently outside, but as soon as they noticed Thomas and Minho, questions flung out of there mouths.

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