Part 4 : Challenge

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"Hey! Yongmun...are you okay?" said a worried voice. I looked up. It was our teacher Kim-Jisoo.
" Ye-yes mam..I'm alright." I said.
"But you don't look though. Why are you sleeping in the class?"
"I just..had a little headache..I'm sorry. I won't sleep again." I said.
"You can return home if you're feeling much bad."
"Thanks mam. I'm good."
"Okay. Then try to concentrate." saying this, she continued giving lecture.
I was feeling dizzy cause I couldn't sleep well last night. Anyhow, I tried my best to concentrate on the class.

__During lunch break__

"Yongmun-ah! Let's sit there & eat together! " said Mina.
"Okay." I said.
Mina, she is my one & only close friend. I sometimes share my things with her...but not everything. Cause I'm not that friendly though. But she calls me her best friend.
Anyway. We were eating in the school cafeteria. Suddenly she asked, "So! How's your new place?"
"It's.. Pretty good."
"Have you made any new friend there?"
"" I said.
"I knew it. How can I accept that from you? Heh!" she said.
"But..there's a boy."
"A boy! Really?! Is he handsome?!" she asked. Her eyes were sparkling. When it comes to boys, she's always up.
"He was a bit cute I guess. " I said.
" can't even check boys properly! " she frowned.
"I'm not pervert like you." I said.
"Ya! It doesn't call pervert! It's attraction okay?!"
"Hm hm okay."
"So, tell me more about him." she said.
I told her everything that happened these days.
Then she said, " What are you thinking to do now? "
"What's here to think?" I asked.
"Yeah. He's floating in your mind since you've met him, I know. So you must be thinking something to do. Tell me what is it." she said.
Ugh..this girl is really very cunning. How did she find out that?!
"What about..making him my friend?" I asked.
"Friend?? You?? Hahahaha..You'll make a friend?! You can't even talk to a girl properly & he's a god damn guy! Forget it."
"Ya! Are you trying to say that I can't make a friend?! " I frowned.
She nodded.
"Fine! I'll make him my very close friend then! You'll see!" I challenged her.
She brust into laughter. Then said, "Oh really? How are you gonna start then? By asking his name what you have never done before?" she asked.
"'ll find a way." I said.

__After school break__

I was about to leave for home but then Jisoo mam called me."Hey Yongmun!"
"Yes mam?"
"How are feeling now?"
"Much better mam. Thank you."
"Okay. Are you going alone?"
"Yes mam."
"Would you mind if I walk to the home with you?" she asked & smiled.
"Oh sure! Why would I even mind?"
She laughed & said "Okay let's go."
We started for home. I was feeling so awkward cause I never walked with any teacher. But her friendly behaviour kinda relaxed me.
"So, with whom do you live?" she asked.
"My elder brother."
"Where's your parents?"
My face went blank hearing this question. I couldn't decide what to say.
"Hey? What happened? " she asked again.
"Nothing....I don't know where are they..."
"Why? I mean..what's wrong? You can tell me if you want."
"Nothing..just..I'm feeling sick again. My home has come. I should go. Thanks for walking to home with me." I bowed her & ran into the building . But I didn't notice that she was standing there with confused face & Oppa was watching us from the balcony.
The door of our apartment was open. I entered and went to the living room. I saw Yoongi-oppa was sitting there & thinking something.
"Wow...You're so early today..." I said.
"What were you doing with that lady Yongmun?" he didn't even looked at me & asked.
" you know h.."
"I asked you a question!" he said in a cold tone.
"Our school teacher....She wanted to walk with me to did I."
He didn't say anything for some moment. Then suddenly said "If you're hungry, then there's cake in the refrigerator for you." then he went to his room.
"Gosh! What's wrong with this man now??"

{To be continued }

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