Part 9 : So called Noona

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I carefully looked inside the "Genius Room" but Yoongi-oppa isn't there.
"So...he still didn't return.." I said. "I guess I should eat before he returns."
I ran to the kitchen and cooked some ramen. Then I went in my room with them. I was eating and thinking about about Woojin...It feels like he have so many hidden pains inside him....I guess some boys are like that...Woojin & Yoongi-oppa are the only boys in my life I think about. And they both have some similarities...ahh...What could be the link between Jisoo mam & him? I wish someone could help me...
All on a sudden, Emma showed up from nowhere & said,"I guess there is a person who can help you!"
I almost choked on food! I handled myself somehow & gave her a fired look.
"Don't you have any other work without scaring me?! Are you made for killing me or what?!" I shouted at her.
He ignored my shout & said "He can help you for sure!" her eyes were sparkling.
"He..who?" I asked in confusion.
"Your pretty cute dongsaeng!" she screamed.
She nodded with excitement.
"No way! How can he?!"
"How do you know? Did you ever ask him?"
"" I said as I was having an uncomfortable feeling about this idea.
"What will he think about me?"
"Aish! Can't a friend ask for help to another friend?! " she said with an angry tone.
"Yeah...of course can.."
"Then what are you so irritated of? Think! If you ask for little helps to him, your friendship would get stronger! And he also might feel special..cause it looks like he never did." she said and looked at my face for an answer.
I thought about it for a while. Then I said "Okay! I'll do it! ". I smiled and looked at her.
She smiled back and said, " Finish your food & wash the dishes before Oppa come back!"
"Oh yea yea!" I said and stuffed my mouth with the whole ramen. Then I rushed to the kitchen room & cleaned those mess I've made.
When I returned my room Emma had already left. I let out a little breath. Then I sat to do homework but everything was feeling tasteless fir some reason. I throw myself in my bed.
I'm being drowned
in the ocean of questions
Will I ever be found?

What the hell am I saying...

Woojin's P.O.V.

I was trying my best to concentrate on Math but failing again & again.
"Ugh!" I threw the pen in anger & hold my head with frustration. I went to my balcony of my room. I explored my sight over the calm evening city. I took a deep breath & let it out.
A face kept floating in my mind & I can't get this out! It's Yong-mun. This is the first time something like this is happening to me..I don't know why. Never in my life I had any simple conversation with a girl. I always thought females..aren’t my thing. But when I saw this girl...I felt something different. The funniest thing is I can't even call her "Noona". She is not like the others. Something in her is much different that will make you feel interested in her for sure...or is it just me? Come on!! I again got frustrated. Suddenly I heard my mom is calling.
I return to my room & saw her standing near my door.
" Why you weren’t studying?!" she yelled at me.
"Ahh..I was studying, mom! But I started to feel exhausted so I took a little break. Don't worry, I'm going back to study!" I said as I don’t wanna argue more over it or hear any yelling. so called "Noona",  I won’t forgive you for this.
"Study later. First go to the shop." she said.
"Why?" I asked.
"We are ran out of salt. Go & buy some. Here is the money." she handed me the money and went out of my room.
"Alright...." I sighed.

I came out of my apartment & went to the elevator. I clicked the button & was waiting for it to come. I felt like someone is watching me. Who could it be? Yong-mun? Ugh...I'm just thinking 'bout her too much,  that's why I'm having this kind of feeling! Nothing else!

The elevator came. I got on it and reached the ground floor. I stepped ouside & continued walking toward the main gate of the building.
My mind couldn't stop thinking about the pretty face of her & her moments. I shook my to blow her away from my mind. All on a sudden, I crashed with a someone accidently. I was about fall but a strong hand caught me. I could feel the warmth in the touch though. I looked at the person. He looked so familiar to me. I think I've seen him somewhere before. I never saw him here but I think he could be related to Yong-mun as I don’t know or saw who she lives with. They don't have similar feature though.
He was wearing all black outfit & he was so pale. He looked at me with those sharp eyes of him and said in a cold tone "Be careful while walking, kid."
"Umm..aa...Sorry...umm...thanks." I mumbled.
He spared my arm & walked to the elevator. I was standing there to see where the elevator stops. It stopped in the same floor I live. So my guess was right! He is related to Yong-mun.! "Whatever... " I said & was about to go outside while singing silently in my mind "Alright~banbokdwen shisogem~🎶"
But suddenly I stopped.
".................Was that Min Yoongi?!. Agust D??!!"

Yong-mun P.O.V.

"Ah..why he is being late today?" I said while walking to the living room. It makes me feel happy & ease sometimes to stay alone at home. But I can't stay alone for long. Though I don't talk with him but his presence around me makes me feel comfortable and pleased. I went to the main door of our apartment & looked through the peephole if he's coming. But the outside was empty. I let out a breath in disappointment & was about to go back. At that time, Woojin came out from his apartment. I looked at him curiously. He went to the elevator & waited for it. It looked like he was feeling uncomfortable for some reason. Maybe he can feel someone us watching him..hehe. He got into the elevator & went to the ground floor.  "He must come back again. Let's see." I said.
After some seconds, the elevator again started to come up. Is that Woojin?  But why so fast? Did he forget something?  Or it's Oppa? Or maybe other people?
The elevator came to this floor & the door opened.
"Omg I was right! It's Oppa!" I said & rushed inside. I heard Oppa was opening the door. Unfortunately I slipped somehow & fell. I was about to scream but I didn’t.  My right foot got hurt so bad. I was trying to stand up but Yoong-oppa was already here. He rushed to me as soon as he saw me that. He hold my arms & helped me to stand up.
"O my god, Yong-mun! Are you okay?!"
"Yeah yea.."
"Did you get hurt anywhere?! How did you fall?"
"It's okay..I'm okay..I'm fine..fine.." saying this, I rang to my room. A corner of my leg hurt so bad but I didn’t let him know.

I went inside my room & closed the door. "What an embarrassing moment...." I sighed.
But it felt so good that how he adored me....when I was little, whenever I fall,  he used to lift me up and adore me....

I'm relieved that he's here now...

{To be continued }

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