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" I'm stopping at nothing! I want to see him again! " 


Upon the request of both (Y/n) and Gon, and a little research on Killua's background, the group of four found themselves sitting in a tour bus that led them to Kukuroo Mountain. Kurapika and Leorio sat in a chair in front of them. (Y/n) sat beside Gon, her head resting against the glass window. Her hands rested on her back as she held it close to her like a teddy bear. She wasn't gonna lie..she felt a little empty. She couldn't stop thinking about how she couldn't help Killua. Even if her friends said to her that it was okay, that she didn't have a choice but watch him leave, she felt a little guilty.

She's grown fond of him, honestly, despite how weird he acted around her. You could say that they almost respected each other, like they're close friends at his point.

The forest that surrounded the road felt a little grim. It was fitting for Killua's family. They were a family of assassins, of course they have to have some form of scenery that matched their occupation. It was a little threatening, even, at how dark the gaps in between the trees were. The shade that the leaves provided must have really shielded the sun.

The sight of a giant, towering mountain appeared in her view. The girl felt some energy spring up in her chest as she shifted her gaze to look at Gon, who looks like he was sleeping. Lightly nudging her friend, she waited for the male to wake up. Seconds pass by and...nothing happened. Feeling that a jab would do, she elbows Gon's arm harder, causing him to spring up.

A groan leaves the boy as he looked at his female companion, a frown decorating his face. He rubbed his eyes as a yawn comes from him. "Why did you wake me up for? I was getting to the good part of my dream," Gon whined as he tried to shake away his drowsiness. His hands later rested on his lap as he looked to where (Y/n) was looking at. Well at least there was a good reason to why she woke him up.

"Should we tell Kurapika and Leorio?"

"I'm pretty sure they can see."

The bus neared the mountain, making (Y/n) a little antsy in her seat. She can't just wait around anymore. She was ready to see Killua again and have him back in their group! It feels a little incomplete without him. Though..she can probably wait around a little more. She doubts that they'll have easy access to get in the Zoldyck estate. They probably only let family members inside, or potential contractors. The girl slumps in her seat, letting her head rest against the window.

She waits.. and waits..until the bus comes to a stop.

As it was part of the tour, everyone inside was prompted to stand up to enjoy the view. It appears they have stopped in front of a giant, towering gate. Beside it stood a small security building. Well at least they are well protected, even if the family could fend for themselves. It's probably there to keep tourists out of the house.

Everyone inside the bus walked outside. (Y/n) was the first one in the group who got out of the small space, followed by Kurapika, Gon, and finally Leorio. There the four stood in front of the giant gate that kept them away from the Zoldyck estate. The tourists around snapped pictures and talked to themselves. The tour guide continued to yap her mouth, spilling out trivia that everyone found interesting.

"That's...a heavy lookin gate," Leorio whispered to himself, "Heavy security huh?"

The group of four paid no attention to what the lady said, instead they were all focused on trying to figure out they would get in the closed off area. (Y/n) takes a step forward, then another, letting herself walk closer to the gate. Her friends followed her, causing the tour guide to shift her attention to them.

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