Flowers for Fiona 😊

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A short Figley story just for fun. Here ya go!


Fiona had woken up to a strange bit of mail. Outside her dorm, someone had left a pretty flower lying on the floor. Curiously, she brought it inside. There was no note; not even to indicate that it was for her. The sender must have taken a chance that nobody else would steal it. (Some people would.) It was just a pink rose. Not being used to getting such gifts, especially from a stranger, she simply put it away somewhere safe and went off to her first class.

But the thought nagged at her all day. Who would send her a flower?

She asked her friend Klaus, being the only boy she talked to regularly, but he was no help.

"Sounds to me like you've got an admirer," He teased.

He didn't know who sent it unfortunately. And she was aware that he didn't do it. Aside from the fact that they were just friends, she knew the more obvious reason why he wasn't the culprit was due to his crush on a pretty girl with wide brown eyes who frequented the library's poetry section. (Fiona had to hope that someday Klaus would work up the nerve to introduce himself to her.)

While Klaus didn't have an answer for her, he did agree to help her find out who did it.

The next day, the same incident occured! Only this time it was a blue hydrangea! How did this happen without anyone seeing? And still there was no note! Nonetheless, she brought the gift inside and put it with the other one. A strange combination to look at sure, but it wasn't like she was complaining about these gifts. They were nice... They kind of made her feel special...

Oh but if only she knew who was leaving them!

The whole second day she racked her brain trying to think of any boys she had interacted with recently that might have done this. This list wasn't long. Er, well the possibility of it not being a boy crossed her mind eventually, and she was hopeful that it didn't end up that way, for simply not wanting to feel bad having to turn down some poor girl who just didn't know she was straight.

"Again?" Klaus asked, "Maybe they don't know you kept the first one and wanted to try again?"

"Or they think someone stole it. It's their fault for not leaving a note," She replied.

Klaus told her that he had asked around as best he could, but nobody admitted to it. He would have to keep trying. At one point he asked if she wanted his sister Violet involved in their search but she declined. They should be able to solve this case with just the two of them.

And on the third day, a new flower came. This one was a red cosmo. Once again, there was no note. Fiona sighed and put the flower with its brethren. She was getting a very colorful bouquet at least. This time she told Violet to which she received several friendly teasing remarks on the subject.

And this cycle continued. On the fourth day it was a red and white carnation. On the fifth it was a blue lily. On the sixth it was a white ambrosia. On the seventh it was a lemon blossom. She wasn't too knowledgeable about flowers, her interests were in fungi, but she remembered hearing that lemon blossoms symbolize fidelity, or faithfulness. Perhaps that was the sender's way of admitting he would not betray her. She had even bought a nice vase to keep her flowers in.

And there were still no leads on who her secret admirer might be.

However, things changed on the eighth day: There was no flower this morning.

Fiona couldn't help feeling a bit hurt. She was used to this now and seeing no present left for her after so many nice ones was a blow to her confidence.

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