A Moonlight Drive

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Gregory left his nighttime shift at the hospital with a slight feeling of uneasiness. He dreaded going home this early in the morning because he would occasionally find his wife's car to be missing. She never mentioned leaving in the night, and never called to warn him. She often left the kids alone in this manner.

The last time that this happened, Gregory waited. He wanted to know the truth without seeming too suspicious, but his efforts fell in vain. The 12-hour shift had taken it's toll and left him completely drained.

Fatigue had taken over...

The children returned from school at about three in the afternoon to end Gregory's deep slumber. He did not need an alarm for they were slamming doors and screaming at one another--as children often do. He cursed the sun, his life, and everything around him as he slowly shut the blinds. He decided to take a shower, as it would grant him a little more time to himself.

He tried not to think of his spouse's late night departures, but his mind was too stubborn and refused to leave it be. And even though he was in a steaming hot shower, his skin crawled in a chilled suspicion. His surroundings fell and he was left in a sullen world of nonexistence. Nothing moved and silence spoke. His eyes were fleeting dreams. Indecision had become him.

Should I confront her? Will this ruin our marriage? What about the kids? His thoughts ran around that simple track for what seemed like innumerable days when his mind suddenly returned. A child's scream, preceded by the sound of shattering glass, traveled through the walls and pierced him in his confused state.

He quickly shut off the now freezing water, threw on his robe and rushed down the stairs.

Once down the steps, a strange friction in the air began to oppress him. He felt a needly warmth in his throat and started to gasp for air. Where are you? was the new thought, ever circulating through his mind. He wanted to shout the question in search for a reply, but his vocal strength had failed him.

He tumbled onto the floor of the kitchen, landing in a large glass-filled puddle of blood. Intense light beams shone about the house, casting their light upon Gregory's innocent face. The world had turned to shadows right outside his window, and now just light remained... It engulfed him. It swallowed all of his desires and fulfilled all his basic needs.

Nonexistence had returned.

When woken from the light, Gregory realized that he couldn't move. On a surgery table of some sort, he was held tightly in place by a series of metal bars. Round in diameter, they ran through the table to be locked at the bottom. All was dark again.

Gregory let out a narrow scream, but found it to be hollow. His lungs were weak and his heart beat slowly. Something flickered behind him. It sounded like someone typing on a typewriter, but had a distinct flowing quality to it.

Suddenly, an image was projected before him onto a massive screen. A photograph of his family was the first image he saw. His wife and two kids smiling, but he wasn't there. Another man stood in his place and held hisdaughter, yet they all appeared to be one big happy family. What's happening? and Where am I? kept crawling through his head as the pictures flashed.

This can't be true. That's my family! He could not comprehend the meaning of it all. Every moment in Gregory's life was being repeated by this dashing young man, and these photographs were hard evidence that supported it.

Has my whole life been a lie? The questions continued to rise as his head spun it's usual webs. The picture reel ended and with it the momentary sight. He was once more in darkness.

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