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he didn't see emotional trauma on the list. Every class, spark training lesson, therapy session, intervention or lesson didn't and couldn't prepare him for this kinda situation........His dad. All he wanted were groceries and now he's in the middle of the aisle with his dad glare dagger at him from the other end, if looks could kill. ' just turn around' 'run' stiles mind panicked at him. 'no' he breathed 'no' he could be mature and strong about this how could he raise kids if he couldn't even walk down the same aisle in the grocery store as his da-john. so he got up all his courage and picked his head up, grabbed the flour for cookies and marched down the aisle towards the danger instead of turning around as his head screamed to RUN and......

everything was fine? well everything was far from fine but that was okay but john just passed him by but didn't say or do anything but if the glare was any indication he sure wanted too. finally, stiles realized something everything would be okay because as long as he held his head high, he could survive with or without john in his life, as sad as that was he could survive and he would. damn, he felt drained after he came down from the adrenalin, man he needed a nap and some TLC. the drive back to the loft was calm and the kinda familiar that made him nostalgic and was just what he needed after the day he just had. 

once he was in the safety of the loft he started to put away all the groceries he a had just bought and Issac and Jackson followed suit by helping and so what if when they asked how his day was, he left the part about his showdown with his dad nobody needed to worry because there was nothing to worry about and after grocery were done they laid down for a nap that he so desperately desired and if a wolf or five joined him for his nap nobody was the wiser plus they were so damn warm and comfy, they where home. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2020 ⏰

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