Sneaking to School

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"YAY! IT'S MY SWEET SIX!" Lola suddenly yelled as she woke up. She threw off her sleeping mask, but kept her curlers on. Then, she headed straight for the door and was about to open it, but Lana jumped in front of her way, causing her to almost scream, but Lana quickly tackled Lola onto the ground and held her mouth closed.
"SHHH! Luan will hear you, Lols! We are NOT going to get pranked this year, you hear me? The other five years we've did that, it got even more brutal each year! So wait until Luan gets into Vanzilla, and secretly follow her in a disguise!" Lana said.
Then, Lana slowly took her hand away from Lola's mouth and putted her cap on. Lola got up slowly and took her curlers out, and putted her tiara on.
Then, they put their normal clothes on, but also snatched their blankets off of their beds and put it over their heads and wrapped it around the rest of their bodies, and their eyes could not be seen. (they're not in their party outfits yet)
Then, they slowly opened the door, and walked out carefully into the hallway, their blanket cloaks dragging on the floor.
Lori was the last one out, and she was closing the door.
"Oh no! They're gonna leave without us!" Lola whispered loudly. So the twins started walking faster, but ended up running and tripped on eachother's cloaks. Then, they fell downstairs and tumbled all the way to the door, force closing it before Lori did.
"Huh?" Lori said, realizing she didn't close it.
"Eh." then, she walked away into Vanzilla. Lola and Lana threw off their cloaks and ran towards Vanzilla, but it drove away from them off to school.
"Noo!!" Lola and Lana yelled. They kept running for Vanzilla, but it went far away. So they fell on their knees.
"Looks like we'll have to walk to school.." Lana said. So the twins started walking down the road, looking tired and bored and miserable. Suddenly a huge bird bumped into them and accidentally carried them on its back all the way to school, causing them to scream. Then, they fell from the bird and onto the grass on the school, and they got up and spit grass out of their mouth.
"Wow! That bird saved our lives!" Lola said. Lana nodded and smiled in agreement, and the twins walked into their school, where as they were really early.

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