April Fools

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When Lana and Kanna went across the bridge, they ended up seeing the mansion again.
"The mansion! We should see if anyone's there." Lana said and started walking towards the mansion. As Kanna was following her, she spotted something in a tree.
"Hey, look. I see someone." Kanna said, pointing to the tree.
"Huh?" Lana said.
"Woah! Márgu!!!"
Márgu was grunting and struggling on a tree vine trying to get released from it. Then it snapped and it finally released her, and she started falling on the ground screaming, her hat falling off.
Then, she got up off the ground and looked at Lana and Kanna.
"Márgu we found you! Come on, we have to hide until April Fools is over!" Lana said and grabbed Márgu's hand, running to the park with Kanna.
While Darla and Lola were at the school site, they looked around them.
"We should hide in one of these schools, but I'm NOT hiding in the school across the street!" Lola said, pointing to a big but slightly small white cube shaped school.
"Wait, let's hide in the college! There's no one in our family that goes to college." Lola said.
Suddenly, an owl hooted in the distance. Then a wolf howled. Then, a bear started growling, and a dog barked at all the noises, making Lola and Darla creeped out.
"Shut up.." Darla muttered.
Suddenly a crow cawed REALLY loud which startled Lola and Darla.
"Okay, let's go in the college now, those animals are creeping me out!" Lola said and grabbed Darla's hand, dragging her all the way to the college.
"I wanna hide in a dorm!" Darla said and started walking around, looking for a dorm. Suddenly a lady came up to them.
"Oh, hello! You must be some little sisters of one of the students. I don't know who, but would you like a piece of paper? Some of the students are still hear, do you want to color?" the lady asked.
"Sure!" Darla said.
So, the lady brought her and Lana into the room and they sat down in chairs, using color pencils, normal pencils, erasers, and white paper.
There was also a girl across from them who looked seven years old. But they couldn't tell who it was, because she was wearing a dark blue cloak covering her entire body.
"Excuse me, but, i need the red, because my older sister is dead to me." Lola said to the other girl.
When the other girl looked up at Lola, her cloak hoodie fell off her head, revealing who she was.
"Riko?!" Lola said, surprised.
Riko looked away, but then looked towards Lola and stood up, her whole cloak falling off of her revealing what clothes she was wearing, a short sleeved light yellow shirt with an orange collar and 2 orange buttons on it with an orange bunny head on the low right of the shirt, a mint green skirt, an orange flower in her hair, dark blue socks, and green shoes.
"No, my sister doesn't go here! I just came here so i could party with the other people since i didn't get invited to the birthday. Wow, it looks like i can't be with my best friend there!" Riko said, annoyed.
"Sorry.. It's just that on Saint Patrick's Day Kanna sprayed all of us but only apologised to you! Besides, you were a little akward.. But at least you aren't Misfortune. Ugh, she's so gross." Lola said.
"If you were there, you would've accused May right away." Darla said.
"May? Who's that?" Riko asked.
"Kanna hates that girl. May accused her of pranking and even accused me!" Darla said.
"She sounds mean. How old is she?" Riko asked.
"Nine and a half. And she's just akward, she's always quickly doing stuff without thinking first!" Darla said.
"Oh. Anyways, we gotta go, I'll take you to your houses." Riko said.
"Are you crazy?! Luan is there, in my house!" Lola said.
"Tough luck. We'll have to tell her off..! And trust me, i wasn't this akward before. I used to be so carefree.. And now, I'm in.. Love.. Come on, let's hurry up." Riko said, running out of the school, dragging Darla and Lola.
When they were running almost home, they bumped into Lana, Kanna, and Márgu.
"Lana!!" Lola said.
"Lola?!" Lana said.
"Saikawa." Kanna said.
"Kanna!" Riko said.
"Hello!" Márgu said to Darla while putting her hat back on.
"Umm.." Darla said.
"We all bumped into our well known people!" Riko said.
"I don't know who she is!" Darla said, pointing to Márgu.
"Well, everyone except Darla and the other girl." Riko said.
"That's Márgu. She's cool!" Lana said.
"Come on, let's go inside. I'm sure we're safe now." Kanna said. So everyone went inside the house, and it was very dark. They could not see, and it was very silent.
"Hey, i don't hear Luan.. Wait, i think she's gone..! We're safe! We can finally have a peaceful birthday for the rest of the day!" Lana said.
Then, all six of the girls started cheering, feeling happy.
But suddenly, a flashlight shined in their face.
"Oh REALLY?!?! Hahaha.. Silly people. Did you ACTUALLY think, Lola and Lana, that you could escape from........ Your SWEET SIX?" Luan said, taking the flashlight away and turning the lights on, swinging to the table, and everyone yelling out, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!"
"What?!? You weren't actually going psycho? But how?!" Lola asked.
"Nope. We were all in on it! Well, except for the six of you." Lynn Sr. said.
"Wait! So, even May was in on it? She said all of those things because it was part of the act?!" Darla asked.
"Yep. All fake." May said.
"So, you weren't actually accusing me? You mean we're actually still good?" Kanna said.
"Yes. We are still good." May said.
"Yay. We are friends now." Kanna said.
"Oh, a new friend? Hey May, I'm Riko." Riko said.
"Hi, Riko." May said.
So, everyone still had a good time, and were chatting, eating cake, opening presents, singing happy birthday, and it ended out all good for the rest of the day.

The End.

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