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"Hey, Princess, it's time to sing you and Lana happy birthday now." Lucy said.
Everyone came into the dining room. Even the pets.
Then, everyone sang happy birthday to Lola and Lana. They sang it to the twins in their own genres like they did that one time when Luna was trying to win a singing contest.
After they sang it, Rita set up the camera and stood next to everyone.
"Everyone stand still and smile! Little girls only turn six once!" Rita said, and winked. Then, everyone smiled.
"One.." she began.
"Three-" she said, but as she did, a hand came behind Lola and Lana's heads and dunked their heads in cake. As the hand did,
Everyone looked around startled, but screamed when they saw something.
"Lola and Lana's heads got dunked in the cake!" Darla said, pointing to a smushed cake on the floor with Lola and Lana's faces dunked in it.
"But who did it?" May asked.
"I bet it was Luan!" LJ said.
"What? How is it ME? I promised them i wouldn't prank them." Luan said.
"Yeah, well you sounded too suspicious to be genuine!" LJ said.
"It's probably you, LYNN! You just looove being rough, bro." Luan said.
"Uh! No! It wasn't!" LJ said.
"Kanna must've done it!" May accused Kanna.
"I thought we were friends.." Kanna said, trying to fake cry.
"I'm suspicious of you now. I was sleeping, but heard someone bang on doors! When i looked out the window, i saw you had a tail and those horns again! You also grew wings! I rubbed my eyes because i thought i was being delusional. But then you were gone! And i think i saw a dragon.." May said.
"And i think i saw a little kid on that dragon!" May said, pointing to Darla and making everyone look at her, making her uncomfortable.
"N-not me! I was at.. Natsuki's!" Darla said, looking nervous because people might know she rode on a dragon and they might try taking her down.
"Oh, people may think you're cute and adorable, but hiding behind those innocent looks is an evil demon child!" Lori said, pointing to Darla.
"No! She's my little sister! She would not do that!" Mary said.
"Oh, really? And Kanna, people may think you're cute and innocent and kind, but deep down you're actually not. I heard that you fake cry." Lori said.
"No.. May accuses me of everything. She is two faced. The pranking person must be her." Kanna said.
Everyone stared at May.
"Well, i say that i believe May is the prankster here!" Lori said, pointing at May.
"Yeah. You like accusing everyone cause you're too scared that people will think you're the prankster!" LJ said.
"We will have to all say who we think it is." Lucy said.
"May," everyone said.
"What?!" May said.
"Get her out of this party." Luna said.
"Bye!" Laika said, headbutting May out of the house.
"If you're going to kick me out, give me Somber Kitty!" May said when the door closed. But no one answered. So she just sat on the steps.
"So, you really think it was May?" Lola asked, her face covered in cake, Lana's was too.
"Yeah! We heard the whole conversation. We got out of the cake the moment after you guys screamed. I guess you didn't see us, because the moment we got out your backs were turned." Lana said.

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