Where is Everyone?

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"You've been listening to us the whole time?" Mary asked.
"Yes! May pranked us? That JERK! The next time i see her, I'll kick her-WOOOAAAHHH!" Lola said, slipping on some cake and falling down. Then, a picture floated onto her face.
"Huh?" she said, grabbing the picture off of her and looking at it.
"Hey.. This isn't May's arm. Her arm is more tan." Lola said, getting up and showing everyone the picture.
"Oh my gosh. Did we literally just blame May?" Lori said, feeling stupid.
"I still wanted her to get out anyway." Kanna said.
"Guess what! Who cares? Let's hurry up and find out whose hand it is!" Lynn said.
So, Lola put the picture next to everyone's arm. First, she checked the other kids.
"Too small." Lola said, putting the picture next to Kanna's hand.
"Too small, also!" Lola said, putting the picture next to Mary's hand.
"Too small, and the arm is too chubby." Lola said, putting the picture next to Darla's arm and hand.
Then, she went to Márgu.
"Remove the mitten." Lola demanded Márgu.
So, Márgu removed it.
Then, Lola put the picture next to Márgu's hand.
"Too pale, and too small." Lola said.
"Ok, so the arm is light, but not pale, it's skinny, and it's not tiny. WAIT! Is it me?" Leni said.
"Ugh, no, it's obvious enough it isn't you since you asked if it was." Lori said.
"Well we all have the same hand. Who is it then?" LJ asked.
"It's too bad no one showed their hands in the picture except the pranking person. Maybe it really is Luan.." Lana said.
"Yeah. What do you have to say for yourself, Luan?" LJ said, looking in the direction Luan was.
"Luan?" LJ said, a little creeped out.
Suddenly, a wooden bat came behind Lana and Lola and knocked the both of them out. As they got knocked out, the last thing they heard were screams and some talking, but they couldn't understand what words they were saying. Later, when they started to try and wake up, their vision was blurry and couldn't really see what was happening. But they saw the entire house was now dim and grey, and they heard a yank of someone's hair and someone else yelling.
"OW! COME HERE YOU LITTLE-" someone yelled at another person.
The blurry figure yelling was chasing after a shorter figure around the house. Soon they grabbed ahold of the figure and went in another room, throwing the short one in a closet and then yelled at them before closing the door.
"MAYBE THIS WILL TEACH YOU TO NOT BE SUCH A TINY BRAT!!!" the taller figure yelled at the shorter one, and then closing the door. Then, the taller figure went back in the room Lola and Lana were in and looked at them.
"What are you guys doing awake? It's past your bedtime, little sisters." the figure said and shut Lola and Lana's eyes.
Eventually when Lola and Lana finally woke up, no one was in the house. It was empty and dark. The curtains were closed and the atmosphere was low while the sky was grey, and their clothes and hair was messed up.
"Ugh.. My head.." Lola said.
"What happened?" Lana said.
"It's scary here, i don't like it. I think the pranking this year has gotten worse. Come on, we have to go to our rooms and hide, Luan could be around here." Lola said.
"Everyone is gone.." Lana said, walking up the stairs with Lola.
"Who was that person getting thrown somewhere? I might have hallucinated, but i think i still saw it."
"I did too.. But we need to be quiet. Luan could be here anywhere." Lola said.
When they creaked the door open to their rooms, they saw Luan sitting in there mumbling and their eyes widened, running to the bathroom to hide, but almost tripped. Luan heard it and was walking out of the door quickly, but Lola and Lana safely got in the bathroom.
"She heard us! Oh gosh, we're gonna be dead meat!" Lana said, hyperventilating.
Then, they heard Luan coming for them, so Lana quickly jumped in the toilet and flushed herself down it while Lola quickly climbed in the vent and squeezed down it.
When she fell in her parents' closet, she was weirded out by why she didn't fall through any ties.
"Huh, that's weird.. Where's all the ties?" she said, but gasped when she saw Darla in the corner of the room covered in ties using them as a blanket and shaking.
"Darla?! What happened? Where is everyone!" Lola asked.
"They've gone missing.. Luan kidnapped them and sent them to get lost in random places around town. I tried escaping but couldn't, she left me in here.." Darla said.
"Oh no. Come on.. We have to get out of here!" Lola said and tried opening the closet door, but it wouldn't budge.
And when Lana fell in the sewer, she got covered in green dirty water, pee, poop, and even some vomit. And a little blood.
"Ugh.. I'm so glad I'm away from that crazy girl." Lana said.
"But now, how will i get out?"
"Lana.. Over here.." a soft voice said.

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