Chapter 2

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The heat of the day had finally lifted. The majority of the crew were staying in the temporary trailers onsite, and Beth had agreed to share with Mave. It was tight quarters, but it was no different than when they had gone camping as kids.

Beth had hoped for a little time to herself, so she decided to take a short walk, but she didn't get very far before Mave caught up with her, and started talking insistently. It was mostly about her co-star, Brandon Kenneth, and how he wasn't even trying. Bored with the conversation, Beth wandered towards Slave Row.

It was early evening and Beth knew the buildings would be locked, but she still wanted to see them. The wind was blowing through the trees, the cicadas were humming, and the tourists had left for the day. The place was quiet and still except for Mave chattering away beside her.

As children, she and Mave had been total opposites. Mave had been the shy one because she was teased about her red hair. Beth had been the strong one, standing up for her at every turn, but when puberty had hit, it had all changed. Mave had realized that she was beautiful, and she had thrived, coming out of her shell and always wanting to be the life of the party. Beth, on the other hand, had turned into herself as she watched her twin fight for all of the attention. It hadn't bothered her overly much because she had her books and the occasional date and felt comfortable with who she had become.

Beth rounded the curve on the road and saw the cabins sitting in the evening shadows.

"Where are we?" Mave asked.

"This is Slave Row," Beth said as she walked towards the cabin that held Mary's information inside.

There was a display of artifacts outside, and Beth wandered over to it, looking closely at all of the information displayed. Mave was peeking in the windows, talking about how desolate it looked when they heard the squeaking of a golf cart behind them as it rolled to a stop.

"Hello, ladies. Are you doing a little exploring?" a southern drawl said from behind them.

Mave turned towards the voice with a smile, the charm turned to high, just in case they might be in trouble.

"It is allowed, isn't it?" she sweetly asked as she approached the cart, recognizing Shell.

Beth looked at them from afar, her palms started to sweat and her cheeks flushed as she noticed Wyatt sitting next to his father. In the seat behind them was Kay, and the girl that Beth guessed was named Katherine.

"Of course, darlin'. Let me introduce my son, Wyatt, and our friend, Katherine. We were out showing her the grounds," Shell said with a smile.

"Mave Stevens," Mave said, holding her hand out to Katherine first and then Wyatt. It didn't take a mind reader to see that Mave was smitten with Wyatt, and why wouldn't she be? He was as handsome as she remembered.

He was wearing a t-shirt that was stretched tight across a large chest in a green that matched his eyes. His dark hair was longer than it had been, and Beth could see an attempt to try to control the waves, and his jaw was covered in stubble, whereas last time, he had been cleanly shaven.

"Would you care to join us?" Shell invited.

There was room on the back of the cart, facing the opposite direction, but Mave, much to Beth's relief, shook her head. Beth knew her sister well. Mave had either said no because of the open hostility in Kay's expression or because she didn't like the idea of being placed in the back of the cart. "No, thank you. Beth and I haven't spent all that much time together lately, so we're getting caught up right now."

Everyone's eyes turned to Beth, and she gave them a friendly but forced smile and a little wave. When her glance bounced of Wyatt, he didn't seem to express any more interest in her than he had her sister.

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