8 | Starting Something New

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"Ehh?? Where did they go?" A tall slender man with long spiky blond hair muttered as he searched for his belonging. "Could I have left them in the classroom or something?"

"Excuse me," the white haired girl started, catching the man's attention. "Sir Present Mic, I believe this belongs to you." She said as a pair of triangular glasses rested on her palm.

Present Mic. A pro hero who is also an English teacher of U.A. High School.

"Alright! You found them! I wondered where they went." The man grabbed the pair of glasses from the girl's hand before wearing it.

"Thanks for bringing it back to me! Yane, right? Ohh I remember you! You're the one who is fairly good at my class." He enthusiastically said. "Anyways, I bet you're starving right now. Go ahead and take a seat with your pals!"

"I thank thee, sir Mic." The girl gave a little bow before walking off to find a table. After scanning the area that was full with a sea of students, she saw her best friend waving at her. It looks like he saved a seat for her.

She got the signal and immediately went over to his table.

"Lilyyyyy..! I saved you a seat right over here." Midoriya said as his friend sat next to him. Lily recognised the two faces that were sitting with them.

The girl with auburn brown eyes and bobbed hair. She recalled her name was Ochaco Uraraka. The other one has short dark blue hair and he wears glasses. He must be Tenya Iida.

"Guys, this is Lily. Lily this is Uraraka, and this is Iida." He gestured to the two students sitting across from them. "We met at the entrance exam. I hope you don't mind that they are joining us for lunch."

"Uwah! So you're Yane! It's great to properly meet you!" Uraraka greeted with enthusiasm.

The white haired girl was silent, she doesn't know how to communicate with new people. She lowered her head, not sure how to deal with this situation.

Uraraka mistook her silence for ignorance, resulting the conversation to be awkward.

Midoriya then noticed that his friend is having a bit of trouble speaking. "A-Ah! Well as I said before, Lily is my childhood friend. She's just extremely shy. But I bet she's glad to meet you! Isn't that right, Lily-chan?" He turned to the white haired girl.

She shyly nodded in response. "I'm Tenya Iida! It's nice to properly meet you!" The blue haired boy said in a rather stiff tone.

Once again, the girl didn't speak but gave a little nod for acknowledgement.

She would like to speak normally but alas, she can't really get the words out of her mouth. Once they got into a comfortable silence, the group started eating.

"I-Itadakimasu.." Lily said in a soft voice before digging into her meal. Once the food touched her taste buds, her eyes sparkled as if she wanted more.

"This is some delicious kanin. Nom." Lily said before bringing her chopsticks to her mouth to have another bite of her food.

"Ah..so she can speak.." Uraraka and Iida thought to themselves.

"Kanin? What's that?" Midoriya asked curiously before continuing to chew. "Kanin is rice in Tagalog, Izu." She answered after gulping down a glass of water.

"Ooh, I see." Her friend understood, taking in this piece of information.

"As expected of the pro hero Lunch Rush..!" The white haired girl said, savoring the flavor. She enjoyed her food as if she has never had eaten something so delicious in her life.

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