⭐️the things we used to share⭐️ (stosuh)

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this is from a fandom i was formerly in, danplan. i shipped the personalities they portrayed on their characters, not the actual people.


You can have the toaster and the pc. Or even, my Timothy Green dvd. I'll let you have the couch, and the tv. Hang onto the jacket that you bought for me.

Why was he crying? The thought seemed so stupid to the boy. Yet, he couldn't stop the tears from flowing.

He'd left. His best friend, first kiss, first time, first relationship, his first love.

The silver haired boy was devastated.

He watched as the taller boy drove off after telling him everything he did wrong.

I don't really care, you can keep the things we used to share. But what did you do with my heart? What did you do with my heart?

About three weeks pass, and the petite boy had packed up everything the taller one had left.

Looking at a picture that was framed, he sighed, wiping away some more freely falling tears.

He decided to keep the photograph and a couple sweaters.

He'd given to boxes to Daniel, as the purple haired boy stopped talking to his former partner, and told the greenette to give them to Stephen, to which Daniel obliged.

No more fireworks, no more compass. You didn't leave a single butterfly in my stomach. You took my spyglass, no knowing what lies ahead. You took my warmth at night, but left a dent in my bed.

Hosuh laid on his cold bed, curled up, looking at the spot where Stephen used to sleep.

He missed the boy dearly, but couldn't get in touch no matter what he did.

He'd sent a letter to him, multiple texts, gave back his belongings, numerous calls, and no response.

But before Hosuh could fall asleep, the ringing of a doorbell startled him.

I don't really care, you can keep the things we used to share. But what did you do with my heart? What did you do with my heart?

The mailman stood at the door, holding a letter.

"Here. This came in the mail for you just a bit ago," he said, handing the small boy the letter and smiling softly.

"Thank you.." Hosuh responded, smiling at the mailman a bit.

He'd sat on the couch, letter on the coffee table, and just stared at it, wondering if he should open it.

Stripped me of my pride, that's for the best, but you also deprived me of a full nights rest, so no more dreams, where we pull through. And I can't collect my thoughts cause they're still with you.

Opening the letter, he read through it and then threw it across the room, sobbing.

The letter read,
"Dear Hosuh,
I'm sorry for not answering your calls or texts. I'm sorry you felt the need to give my stuff back. I'm sorry for leaving you. Sorry for making you feel worthless. I'm just sorry for it all, but I can't talk to you without feeling worse than I do. I'm sorry we can't start over, and I'm sorry I left. I just felt upset, and didn't know what to do, but I know breaking up with you wasn't the answer. I'm not asking for forgiveness, just know I'm sorry.
Love, Stephen"

Hosuh didn't get much sleep that night.

I don't really care, you can keep the things we used to share, but what did you do with my heart? What did you do with my heart?

Stephen laid on his bed, wondering why he ever left the boy.

"He probably won't ever take you back if you ask to date again. He's probably moved on. With another boy or girl, having the time of his life and you're here like a sitting duck without the kill," he said to himself, wiping more tears from his eyes.

I wouldn't take it back, even though I feel sore. I meant it when I said what's mine is yours. But I need to know that we're apart, what did you do?

The purple haired boy didn't know what to do. He felt so much frustration and anger over what he did.

"Why would you ruin his life like that? God, you're so stupid," he said to himself, tugging at his hair.

Another sleepless night.

He'd felt bad taking all his stuff back, so he told Daniel to give it back to the smaller boy.

"What did I do? Why did I do that? Why didn't I just try solving it with him?"

I need to know, now that we're apart, what did you do with my heart? What did you do with my heart? What did you do with my heart?

It had been around a year. The two hardly ever talked or even saw each other anymore.

Hosuh was still wondering something Stephen still couldn't figure out.

"What did you do with my heart?"


words: 798
date written: december 8, 2019
fandom/ship: danplan, former stosuh

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