🥀wilted🥀 (hinted stagedorks and longing for boyf)

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Michael watched as another dried up, wilted, blue petal fell from his flower crown that was imbedded onto his head.

In replace of the fallen blue petal, a thorn grew. The caramel coloured boy winced as he felt the stinging of the needle-like part of the crown.

'Jeremy must be near' He thought. The freckled boy with the pink crown had told Michael he was going over to play AoTD and get stoned; their used-to-be-almost-daily routine.

He sighed and put on the fake, silky, dark blue flower crown. It resembled his flowers a lot, that's why the boy bought it. He had to hide the wilted flowers and thorns from his best friend.

Ever since their fourth year of grade school, Michael's flower crown had been wilting and growing thorns. It never fell off, as sometimes, the flowers petals grew back. But that didn't matter, as Jeremy still doesn't love the shorter boy.

You see, Michael has loved Jeremy ever since he'd met him, maybe. The two boys were soulmates, as their flower crowns were each other's favourite colour.

In the fourth grade, however, it was as if Michael got cursed.

Jeremy fell for another person.

A girl.


Here's the thing, Michael doesn't hate Christine or resent her from "stealing" his soulmate and potential boyfriend, but he does feel saddened Jeremy doesn't like him and instead likes Christine.

Jeremy fell in love with Christine and he soon became her soulmate instead of Michael's, which made him pretty upset.

A few days prior, Michael asked Jeremy out, to which the blue-eyed boy kindly rejected him.

The only thing was, the first wilted petal didn't come down til after Michael saw Jeremy's flower crown's flowers turn pink.

Pink was Christine's favourite colour, and a tinted colour to red, which was Michael's favourite. The dark blue flower fell and a small thorn grew in it's place, making the carmel boy wince at the needle-like tip of the thorn that was now digging into his scalp, somehow, over all the curly brown hair.

The chocolate-coloured eyed boy was beyond devastated. He tried not to cry in class because of the fallen flower, but gave up trying to to burst into tears and excused himself to the restroom, immediately started bawling as soon as he locked himself in the stall.

Michael still remembers this day but Jeremy forgot anything before the 9th grade ever existed, besides his friendship with the carmel-coloured boy and crush on the short, black haired girl.

Back to the present date, Michael heard a knock at the front door. He went downstairs, adjusting the flower crown to make it perfect and took a deep breath, plastering on a now very believable, excited smile. It fooled Jeremy, as the blue-eyed boy wasn't the brightest, but it also fooled Michael at times, who was wearing the expression. He opened the door, slightly looking up.

There stood his best friend of 12 years, Jeremiah Heere, or as everyone knows him, Jeremy.

He smiled up at the boy as he walked into the smaller boys house like he lived there, which he practically did, er, used to. 

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