⚠️ana⚠️ (no ocs, no ship)

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⚠️huge trigger warning for EDs; anorexia. mentions eating. portrays ana as a human. crying. pretty much angst sjsj.⚠️


enby is age seven.

they looked across the playground, and spotted a tired looking girl, around maybe seven, sitting against a tree. legs pulled to her chest, slightly shivering and rocking, and hair slightly messy.

they went over to her, crouching down to her level.


this startled the girl. she jumped lightly, blinking.
"huh? apologies.."

"no worries! i'm not here to hurt you! you seemed lonely, so i wanted to talk to you. i'm enby," they stuck their hand out to the girl, smiling.

she responded, "ana," while shaking the enby's hand.

"why are you out on the playground alone, ana?"

"no one likes me," she responded, curling up again.

"oh.. well, i'll be your friend!"

that was enby's first mistake.


enby is age eleven.

they smiled at ana halfheartedly.

"hey ana?" they asked.

she hummed in response.

"where do you live?"

"anywhere you do, my dear," she said, smiling.

"oh. that's fun! hey, why don't we get a snac-"

ana cut enby off sharply, banging her fist against the wall, making enby jump.

"we don't eat til dinner time, understand?" she said through gritted teeth.

"even at dinner time we don't eat anything an-"

she cut them off again, this time by kicking them in the stomach. they held their stomach in pain and hunger.

"i said, understand?"

enby nodded, slight tears forming in the corners of their eyes.


enby is fourteen, and having regrets.

was being ana's friend a mistake, they thought, looking down at their carpeted floor.

a soft knock was heard from the door. a woman, maybe late thirties, opened it.

"hey enby? you gonna come downstairs for dinner? you haven't eaten with us for a while.."

she asked, worried. it wasn't clear in her voice, but you could still hear it.

"not hungry," they responded, voice monotone.

the woman huffed. she stepped into enby's room. it was mostly a mess, but that didn't matter.

she sat on enby's bed, running her fingers through their short hair. enby smiled very faintly at this. they liked head pats.

"you always say you aren't hungry, you don't have an appetite, or that you just ate. but the last time i actually saw you eat, you only ate half your plate. are you sure you're alright?"

enby's mother felt their arms, noticing how thin and frail they felt. she decided not to say anything though.

"i'll leave you be, hun. i love you."

but no response.

with that, enby's mother left.

enby sat up, feeling dizzy.

how come mum didn't say anything about ana, they thought, she was laying right next to me the whole time mum was here..


enby is sixteen. ana is a monster.

"good job. you ate less than 400 calories this week," ana said, praising enby.

"fuck you, ana," enby said. they were really starting to hate her.

it was rotten.

she was rotten.

why was enby still friends with her?

that was a question enby couldn't answer either.

"you need to be e̷̬̎́̊̌͘m̷̖̩̼̰̞̩̀̈́͂̈́p̷̡̛̳͕͎̾ẗ̶̹͖̺̗́y̶̺̬̠̘͉̑͐̓͋͂̈́"

"i don't need to be anything by your means," they shouted.

ana snapped her fingers, making enby faint.



enby is age seventeen.

a fellow classmate of enby's notices that they look awful. worse than ever.

"yo en, you good?"

enby was zoned out. they couldn't even think.

their classmate tried getting their attention, but nothing.

their head fell on their desk.

breathing slowed.

and soon...


"enby everson. cause of death, starvation"

ana stood by the grave, smirking. she planted a single aconite flower on it, kissing her hand then placing it on the stone. she waved at it and turned away.

all this, and that smile never left her face.

"job well done ana, job well done."

ana truly is a monster.


words: 623
date: march 15, 2020
fandom/ship: none
i am
not sorry.
but kinda cause age sixteen kinda sucked ksjsjs
and the ending wasn't that good. but i hoped you enjoyed.

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