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Note to self: Don't try to add highlights as an afterthought 

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Note to self: Don't try to add highlights as an afterthought 

Anyway, this took about an hour and a half? Which isn't the worst I suppose...

Good things: Uh, I like his expression, it's pretty close to what I was going for, which is nice. HIS HANDS TURNED OUT OKAY WHOOP WHOOP ESPECIALLY THAT LEFT ONE HALLELUJAH and I think the general pose is nice

Work On: There's not a lot of contrast, which happens a lot when I do traditional art like this and try to shade it, I think I need to work on that...also, if you look in the top right corner, for those of you who read my shading mess of a chapter, you can kinda very faintly see where I put my arrows for lighting....

Anyway, this is my boi Hamdi again, short description, you can skip it if you want: he's religious and rule abiding, and extremely protective of Lucas. Aro/ace boi with electric abilities, but he doesn't like using them because his mother was abusive and hit him every time he used them as a child in order to protect him

Also, I wanted to color something but I didn't want to draw something, so I digitized it XD

Also, I wanted to color something but I didn't want to draw something, so I digitized it XD

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So yeah, hope you guys enjoy!!

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