This Took Me 13 Freaking Hours

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Read Almoons

Read Almoons

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As you can see, I was too lazy to crop them, because I am very tired, because this took FOREVER

As you can see, I was too lazy to crop them, because I am very tired, because this took FOREVER

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I also don't know which one I like better, so help me decide

Anyway, funny story: as I was typing this, I realized I'd forgotten the scales on aidyn's arms, which was a big no-no, so I had to go back and change that, and they COMPLETELY messed up my color scheme so whooooooooooo

Also, did I get lazy with the background? Absolutely

Do I care? A tiny bit, yes

Am I going to go back and change it? Nope

Anyway, this Aidyn and Damon. As you can probably guess, I am guilt drawing—(yes, I wrote that chapter several months ago and I still feel bad)—so yeah. Expect more almoons stuff in the future.

Oh, and new coloring style

Pose sucks but whateverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Also, Damon's theme song is Back To Life by Paradise Fears

Oh the irony....

Hope you guys have a wonderful day

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