Gabriel's POV (removed)

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So... This part is probably the most "action-filled" one, but it's also the worst. I will leave it up, but keep in mind that this part is not longer in the story!

I need to apologize for this so I have to go to her house to do it. I drive up to her house and park on the driveway. I get out of my car and walk the front steps to the door. It seems like forever since I've been here. I ring the doorbell, her mother answers.

"Oh, hello, Gabriel, how are you?" Her mom asks.

"I'm fine how are you, ma am?"

"I'm feeling just fine, are you here to see Lilyana?"

"Oh, yea, I am."

"Well, she head out to the mall with a couple of friends."

Damn it.

"Can I wait for her, please?"

"Sure, come on in."


"And please dear, call me Carla."

"Okay, Carla."

I walk inside and instantly get a whiff of cookies.

"Mmm, those smell delicious."

"Thank you, they are my recipe."

"Well they smell amazing, they might taste that way too."

"I hope so, haha."


I walk over and sit on the couch.

Carla's phone rings and she answers it.

I walk out to their backyard.

I look around, the sun is about to set.

Then I see someone on the grass.

"Hello? Who are you?"

Whoever it is remains motionless.

I walk over.

"Oh my God!"

It's Lilyana. Blood is all over her face, and it looks like all her fingers are cut up and her hands are over her face. I grimace at first, then I scream, "CARLA!!"

She walks out.

"What is it, sweets, my cookies are-"


I run to the door.

"I'm gonna call 911!!"

"Hurry!!" She pleads

I run inside, thank God they have a home phone. I quickly punch in 9-1-1 and I wait.

"Hello, this is 911, what's your emergency?"

"It's my girlfriend, she cut herself and now she's unconscious!!"

"Okay, hang on, im sending over the medics!"

"Please, please, hurry!!"

"It's alright, we are coming."

"Thank you!"

I sob and begin to break down, but I stop myself.

I run out to the backyard and call for Carla.

"Carla!!" I scream. "Where are you!"

She's sprawled out across the floor, blood coming from her wrist as well.

"Ugh!! No, please, no Carla!! Don't die!! Please!!"

"I'm not dead" she replies in a raspy voice, weird for her.

"Please, just hang on, the medics are arriving!!"

I hear sirens blasting from the trucks. Oh sh*t! She told me to hang on! What if she needed the address! But then I remembered that they can see the location of most calls.

They run through the house, which, strangely, was unlocked.

I scream. "OVER HERE!!"

They run outside and put both Carla and Lily- my dear lily- on stretchers.

"Hey, son!" One of the medics say.


The trees and people look like a blur.

My head is spinning, but I urge to say "yes?"

"You didn't do this, am I correct?"

"No, hell no, that brown haired one is my girlfriend and the black haired one is her mother."

"Alright, but you are the only one at the scene, they will ask you a lot of questions, and you'll be at the top of their list."

"Can't you do anything?"

"All I can do is tell you to tell them for a lie-detector test right in the beginning so you can regain your spot as an innocent."

"Uhm, okay, thank you."

"My pleasure, son."

I walk to the front of the house and get in my car. I follow the ambulance cars.
They don't have a reason or any suspects, but when I get there I will explain everything.
I'm a f*cked-up boyfriend for letting this happen.

Then I remember the cookies.

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